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A Study On The Influence On The University Graduates' Minimum Wages Expectation

Posted on:2010-04-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Z ChenFull Text:PDF
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The university graduates' minimum wage expectation not only has a great influence on the university graduates' smooth obtaining employment, but also involves in the benefits from the family education investment in the children, the sustainable development of the new city labour force, as well as the social justice and social stability. So probing into the causes of the university graduates' minimum wage expectation becomes very necessary.In view of the standard and unity of the investigation material, the investigated object was limited to the university graduates graduated in 2008 in Changsha, Hunan Province. On the other hand, the studying emphasis is not put on the condition of an individual graduate, so the average instead of minimum or maximum of the university graduates' minimum wage expectation is taken into consideration for a meaningful contrast or comparison.The writer has surveyed 181 university graduates at five universities in Changsha and drawn the following conclusions: as a whole, the present minimum wage expectation is mainly monthly under 2000 yuan. It was greatly affected by the education investment cost ,the ascpriptive factors and the achievemental factors. The more the family invests in their education and the better their the ascpriptive factors and the achievemental factors are ,the higher their minimum wage expectation is. But the relevant minimum wage expectation difference exists only when the gap between is wide enough, that is a sort of opposite poles differenceAs to job-hunting intent, from the actual wage perspective, the graduates who have a higher working place intent averagely have a higher minimum wage expectation. From the system nature of working unit perspective, the minimum wage expectation has no definite relationship with the graduates' working unit system nature. While from the temporary or stable working unit perspective, the graduates who want to choose the stable working unit averagely have a comparatively higher minimum wage expectation than those who want to choose the temporary working unit. Besides, the graduates' cognition about the labour market's grimness and mobility ,as well as the wage increasing possibility ,the reference group, the parents' expectation on their chidren's wages have somehow definite relationship with the graduates' minimum wage expectation.Furthermore, the writer makes a brief and further inquiry into the following investigating-worth aspects, that is, a study on the arrangement and relevance of the relevant causes, on the social system deficiency, on the graduates' education cost return period and the rationality of a normal lifecycle.
Keywords/Search Tags:the University Graduates, the Minimum Wage Expectation, Double Labor Market
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