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The Research On General Education In Southwest University Of Finance And Economy

Posted on:2009-06-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S B CengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360275471896Subject:Higher Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
General education is a kind of non-special education, and its main purpose is to promote people's comprehensive development. Compared to special education, general education has a longer history, and is faced with more practical problems in modern times. In modern America, general education was under universal attention and was widely carried on. Hence, abundant theoretical achievements and practice experience have been accumulated. In modern China, general education waxed and then waned, and gradually stepped on the road of revival in recent years.Ever since its foundation, Southwest University of Finance and Economy had mainly implemented special education before general education was officially carried on in the year of 2006.The implementation of the education reform resulted not only from the tide of reform of higher education, but also from the urgent needs of self development. The reasons are as follows: the time of mass higher education has arrived, and the frequency of changing an occupation is gradually becoming higher. Moreover, the students'needs tend to be diverse, and the rate of employment of graduates is continuously declining. Therefore, Southwest University of Finance and Economy had to transform the education pattern from special education to general education to improve the students'comprehensive quality.In the procedure of general education, the university was confronted mainly with problems of five aspects. Firstly, general education is insufficiently valued and invested. Secondly, the number of the curricula of general education ,which often conflicts with those of special education, is hard to set. Thirdly, the curricula of general education are centered on application and profession knowledge, instead of on basic and theoretical knowledge. Fourthly, there is great lack of teachers who are expert at general education and the phenomenon of establishing a curriculum casually is relatively serious. Fifthly, in classes of general education, teaching methods are obsolete and practice and interaction of teachers and students are often abandoned. Aimed at solving the problems mentioned above, the university should take the following measures: to reinforce the research and advocacy of general education, to establish perfect systems of general education, to optimize the curriculum system of general education, to strengthen the construction of teacher troops, to improve the pattern of classes and teaching methods.
Keywords/Search Tags:general education, special education, Southwest University of Finance and Economy
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