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The Cultivation Of Middle-School Students' Enthusiasm In Writing

Posted on:2007-06-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L C LuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360212959063Subject:Language Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Writing teaching as an important component of language teaching obtains the universal concern of language educators. In recent years, as vigorous teaching reforms, some people made certain achievements, such as the rapid composition pedagogy of Yang Chuchun, "language-thinking" in the training teaching methods of Zhang Xiong, the interest composition of the central teaching committee and so on. But many students are still disgusted with writing and afraid of writing. I think there are many reasons, but the lack of enthusiasm is one of them to the students. So How to mobilize the enthusiasm of the students so that they like writing and are willing to write is a major issue to every Chinese teacher.This paper is committed to explore the ways to cultivate students' enthusiasm on the writing actively. The full thesis is divided into four parts. The first chapter focuses on the analysis of the writing background, significance and its theoretical basis which the writing enthusiasm proposes. The second chapter is devoted to analyze the reason for lacking the writing enthusiasm of the current students. There are four reasons. 1) the traditional teaching methods; 2) the constraints of teaching system; 3) the shackles of traditional teaching methods; 4) the problem of students themselves, which cause some students unenthusiastic about writing. The third chapter is directed at the reasons existing in the current composition teaching and proposes the strategy of training middle-school students' writing enthusiasm. First, enrich students' writing sources from real life. Second, focus on the innovation of topic from students' psychology. Third, emphasize the innovation of intention from new thinking. Fourth, go deep into texts, promote writing using reading. Fifth, locate the uphill ladder, renew language. Sixth, promote diversified grading patterns from the encouragement. The fourth chapter will inspire teachers to create a positive atmosphere in the classroom, one is the atmosphere of psychological safety and mental freedom; the other is focusing on the process of writing which is the "time gap" left to the students.
Keywords/Search Tags:middle school students, writing enthusiasm, cultivation
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