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The Studies Of HongGu District Primary School Teachers Professional Development

Posted on:2006-01-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Q LiuFull Text:PDF
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Teachers professional education is the world trend and domestic education reform need. The teachers personality quality has be shown up with the new round of teaching course development. It becomes a basic requirement for teachers to improve their personality. Therefore it is theoretically and practically necessary to focus on the teachers professional development of Lanzhou honggu primary school.By using the methods of questionnaires, observation and information collection, this paper thoroughly studies the current status and problems existed in the teachers professional development of Lanzhou honggu primary school with some suggestions and policy given meanwhile.The study includes the following: Teachers basic standing, professional expectation and professional development.The study found that the following advantages existed in the teachers professional development:Firstly, the younger generation teachers have higher education and professional quality. Secondly, the teachers Lanzhou honggu primary school desire to have further training .Thirdly , more participation of spare time study. Fourthly, more satisfied by their colleagues. Fifthly, more satisfaction of their profession.In the meantime, some disadvantages also existed:1. Unaware the concept of teachers professional development;2. The lower society position weakens their achievement;3. The teaching external environment is under developed;4. The Examination Only Purpose Negative effect gives to the teachers;5. The conflict between work and study makes less active on self improve;6. The teachers are less active on self study;7. Backward training concept.Based on the above study, the following advice are adopted.1. To recognize the primary school teachers value and establish new concept; (1) Improve the awareness of teachers profession;(2) Change the traditional training method as skillful workers;2. Supply good environment for teachers;3. Reform teachers management model and explore potential; (1) Establish school study organization;(2) Attach importance to teachers self cross action;4. Improve teachers continue study. (1) Strength In-school training;(2) Improve the substantial results of teachers continue education.
Keywords/Search Tags:Honggu District, Primary School Teachers, Professional Development
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