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On The Probe Of Beauty-oriented Teaching Of Chinese Reading In Middle School

Posted on:2005-06-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:A M CaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360155474695Subject:Language teaching theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"The New Criteria of The Chinese Curriculum" stipulates that the teaching of Chinese during the period of middle school should focus on develping students' ability of listening,speaking ,reading and writing as well as their sound personality so that they may develop harmoniously and in an all-round way — morally,intellectually and physically. However, driven by the psychology of being eager for quick success and instant benefit, the teaching of Chinese, which has gone too far on a way characterized by "instrumentalism", call for beauty-oriented teaching.Beauty-oriented teaching of Chinese in terms of reading reflects the integration of both the law of teaching and the law of beauty-appreciation. On the other hand, it means that the law of beauty is applied to and intermingled with the activities of Chinese teaching. Haveing consulted a great number of concerned treatises based on the teaching practice of middle school Chinese reading, the writer of this essay dissert in the following aspects: the connotation of beauty-oriented teaching of Chinese reading, the basis of its implementation and the approach to the issue. As a result of its application it is expected that the traditional cramming method of teaching can be changed considerably and the rigidified situation can be altered in which students learn passively. By means of specific, vivid and tangible image of beauty directly perceived through the sense, students are enabled to, using their imagination and association, apperceive beauty in a easy, pleasant and harmonious atmosphere, taste and tasting understand beauty accompanied by feelingful experience so that they are delighted by and enlightened by reasoning. In this way students' ability of apperception will be sharpened, their feelings enriched, their understanding deepened and their unique imagination developped. Therefore, we may fulfill more effectively our task of beauty-culture in terms of Chinese teaching and enhance students' Chinese level comprehensively.
Keywords/Search Tags:middle school Chinese, beauty-oriented teaching, feeling
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