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Dalian City Administrative Decision-making And Administrative Reforms On The Implementation Of Separation

Posted on:2009-06-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K G WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360308979290Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The 17th congregation of CCP points that:"It is time to contemplate the general reform plan for the administration management, and put forward to change the function, to smooth the relationship, upgrade the structure, promote the efficiency, and form a administrative system of coherence of authority and duty, scientific decision making, smooth carrying out and effective supervision." It also says in the meantime:" it is important to set up healthy and complete authority structure and administration system for the right of decision-making, right of administrating and right of supervising with control and assist bid to each other " It indicates that government action will reach an ideal state from decision making, administrating to supervising, and also reveals a moving state of the three aspects of decision-making, administrating and supervising in government have limits to each other and assist each other, and it is a complete procedure of authority structure from design, decision making, administration to supervising. It points out a direction for the government reform and will help to accomplish the aim of administration management reform. In a long run, Chinese government takes the decision making and administration in one administrating management system, the sections and positions are in one decision making and administration system. The decision making and administration in one has shown many shortcomings from time to time, and it raises a new topic for reform of administration management system.In China, to take what state of decision making and administration coexistence in current administrating management system to reach the aim of effective administration is under researching situation with no regulated mode to follow. The paper focuses on the policy of the separation of decision making and administration in Dalian Municipal Government. The exploration of the administration management system is to finally get rid of the traditional decision making and administration in one mode and solve problems with one system. Comparing to past government system reform, the separation of decision making and administration is not a simple government rebuilding, withdrawing and reforming, it is a redividing of government responsibility. It involves the most difficult task in all reform-benefit relocation. For Dalian government, being a pioneer city for reforming, Dalian government is in emergent need for the reforming and renovating of the current administrating management system in order to meet the globalization of economy and society, especially the Dalian as the important international city for Northeast Asia and leading realization of all dimension booming.Especially the setting of government decision making and administrating function needs reasonably adjusting. This is an example of globalization of government management and future of government reform. The study has both theory and reality meaning. The paper, on one hand, introduces relationship of government decision making and administrating, the separation of the two and examples from both home and abroad, analyses the necessity and of reasonable separation in China and concludes thinking and policy; on the other hand, combines the result of separation of decision making and administration in China and the fact in Dalian, raises the policy of separation of decision making and administrating in Dalian.In China, the division of government administration is decision making, administration and supervising. Its core is the separation of decision making and administration. Apparently, the paper focus on issues of reform on the separation of decision making and administration, and the issue on supervising in not fully discussed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Administrating decision making, Administrating
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