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China Peaceful Rise And The Ideological Trend Of Nationalism Emergence

Posted on:2011-10-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360305966435Subject:International politics
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Three decades reform and opening up, economic reform as the symbol in China modernization program has made remarkable achievements, comprehensive national strength increase markedly, China's rise has become the overwhelming tendency. On November 13,2003, Zheng Bijian who was the chairman of China reform forum presented a speech named《The New Way of China's Rise and the Future of Asia)) in Bo ao forum for Asia. He thought China has to choose peaceful rise in today's new era the same as win the peaceful international environment to develop and safeguard international peace through own development. The president of the PRC, Hu Jintao and the premier Wen Jiabao elaborated the concept and theme of the "Chinese peaceful rise" in different occasions.However, following China national power's increase and international influence extend, "concerned the rise of nationalism" become a hot topic around the world and to be an evidence for some countries to understand "China Threat Theory". To be frankly, "following China's rise, the national sense and mindset of Chinese are in the autonomous or involuntary and changeful process, the ideological trend of nationalism re-increases is possessed of historical inevitability. And on the base of historical complex and realistic suppose, immature and social psychology the ideological trend of china nationalism pointed at"Greatpower chauvinism", "anti-Japan", "anti-America", "anti-Western", it is necessary to have the parochial side."At 1990s the ideological trend of nationalism began to rise, "the first wave was represented by He Xin's anti-western speeches at the early 1990s. The second wave was represented by Zhang Yiwu and Chen Xiaoming's post-colonial culture criticism, GanYang and CuiZhiYuan's institutional innovation, ShengHong's comparative civilizations review. And《China can say no》was represented the third wave. Domestic scholar ChenXueming pointed out "it was the gestation period for nationalism from 1990 to 1995, it was the first wave from 1995 to 2001, from 2002 to 2005 it was another wave." We can say that the speech about China's rise gave a new wave for the ideological trend of nationalism. In 2008, around the Tibetan issue, Wenchuan earthquake and Beijing Olympic Games, the ideological trend of nationalism further developed. The nationalism emotion which contains both "independence of Tibet"', "independence of Taiwan" and is on the base of national identification focused all over the world.; Wenchuan earthquake showed the patriotism of rational nationalism; and the Olympic Games waked up "the dream of strength our country" which reserved at the heart of Chinese long time. It is worthy to mention that internet become a wide plat for the people to express their ideas, precipitations in politics and nationalism spread because of its convenience and shortcut. We should mention that internet shaped an anxious phenomenon, the voice of ultranationalist bigger and bigger, and radicands become a mainstream, the emotion of nationalism goes ahead to radical step by step.For Chinese nationalism sustained upgraded, "generally, the China government is very imperturbability and pragmatic and carry out rational nationalism." The China government understands that China's peaceful rise needs the function of national sprit and nationalism is a double-edged sword. If under the patriotism frame, it can be a strong, united and stimulant power. On the other hand, the parochial nationalism gives the people more superiority complexes than any other countries, and moralize people to animosity and dismays other nationalities, this kind of nationalism is very bad for China's peaceful rise and brings a catastrophic influence to our country. China choose peaceful rise not only establish the functions of morality and justice and validity for China's rise, but also demonstrates China government want to foster the Chinese rational nationalism under the patriotism. And how to deal with peaceful rise and the relations between China nationalism is the problem which we should face to on the way of China peaceful rise.
Keywords/Search Tags:China, Peaceful rise, The ideological trend of nationalism, Internal relations
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