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Research On The Ensurance Mechanism Of Administrative Accountability System In China

Posted on:2011-03-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z L ShenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360305959818Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the event of "SARS" in 2003, the modern meaning of the administrative accountability system has been launched in mainland China officially, which is of great significance in promoting the construction of our responsible government. However, as the administrative accountability system implemented in China is still at an exploratory stage recently, although the effect of its implementation has primarily emerged, further improvement of the system itself and the system's effective implementation should be ensured through a number of conditions, In other words, perfect protection mechanism is an important part of the effective implementation of administrative accountability system and the achievement of its target. In reality, Chinese protection mechanism of administrative accountability system is not perfect, which has negative effects on the implementation of administrative accountability system to certain extent, and accountability becomes a mere formality. Moreover, the academic researches about the administrative accountability system mainly focus on the perfection of the system itself, but it is rare to see the research from the ensurance system operation view relatively. Therefore, the objectives of the research in this paper are mainly on how to improve ensure the effective operation of the administrative accountability through the ensurance mechanism of administrative accountability system, in order to achieve the effective exercise of administrative power supervision and constraints.In view of the construction of ensurance mechanism, this article focuses on operability analysis in our existing institutional framework. Through the definetion of ensurance mechanism of administrative accountability and its content, and the relation to our executive status of implementation of the accountability system, this article make researches and analysis on existing problems of the mechanisms of administrative accountability system, and then provide some recommendations about the perfection of the ensurance of the administrative accountability system in order to promote the development of administrative accountability system.The paper is mainly divided into three parts:the first part analyzes the basic theory of the ensurance mechanism of administrative accountability system. The second part analyzes the main problems of the mechanisms of administrative accountability system by reviewing the practice of administrative accountability system. Firstly, the lack of unified accountability organization, and organization is not perfect. Secondly, the accountability of the legal system lagged, which is lack of mandatory power protection. Thirdly, the lack of ethical safeguards of accountability, inadequate support mechanisms, and lack of complete ensurance of article. Fourthly, administrative culture lagged behind, and officials'sense of responsibility are weak. The third part brings forward some suggestions on how to improve the ensurance mechanism of administrative accountability system according to the exsiting problems. Firstly, Establish accountability coordinator for the administrative accountability system to provide strong protection organizations; Secondly, Establish a sound legal system for the accountability administrative; Thirdly, strengthen the support mechanisms of administrative accountability system; Fourthly, strengthen construction of cultural ethics of the administrative accountability system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Administrative Accountability System, Responsible Government, Ensurance Mechanism
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