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Analysis Of The Russian Federal System Reform In Transition

Posted on:2011-11-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G JieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360305951777Subject:International politics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Due to various reasons, Russian still has not formed typically modern and mature federal system in the development of its state system. Since 1991, the transformation of its political system is not an even one and its federal system was not fixed. The facts that Russia failed to regain its prosperity of pre-Soviet Union Period and that it couldn't solve some deep-seated problems in the political development are thought-provoking. The uncertainties of the relationship between federal central government and federal bodies directly influence the political, economic and social unrest of Russia. Thus, research on the reform development of Russian federal system plays an important part in the research on Russian political area. More and more experts and scholars start to focus their attention on this field.The development of federal system and the reform of political systems are closely related. Research on the Russian Confederation System will provide insights into the political development of Russia since the disintegration and be helpful in predicting its development trend. More importantly, China and Russia had similar political and economic structure and are facing similar historical 1 missions, i.e., to explore and find suitable development road. Thus, the research provides reference for our country's better development in the crucial period of reform and development.The writer analyzes the theoretical implications of federalism, expounds on the definition and nature of federal system, lists the patterns of the other federal government of the world, and analyses the development and characteristics of the Russian confederation system. Chronologically, the writer keeps his research from the Pre-Soviet Union period, the Yeltsin Period, the Putin Period and the present Medvedev-Putin Period. He especially introduces the federal system reforms Putin adopted since he came into power, such as, establishing seven federal regions, revising the composition principles of the Russian Confederation Committee, and changing the election method of regional administrative governors. Based on the perspectives of domestic and foreign scholars, the writer analyses the composition principles of Russian confederation system and finds that it is mainly reflected in the maintenance of territorial integrity and uniformity of power system and the hierarchy of state power structure. The writer then introduces the constitution and three characteristics of the Russian Confederation. After that, the writer analyses the major problems in the development of Russian Confederation system. The first is the conflict between power centralization and de-centralization. From the process and result of federal reform, it can be seen that no balance of power distribution has been found. The second is the ethnic problem. The ethnic problem was only worsened after Russia became an independent country. The third was the regional problem with its essence on the inequality among regions.The Russian politicians also express their opinions on the development of the federal system and proposed some scientific and feasible plans. the writer analyses the power conflicts between the central authority and regional governments and draws the conclusion that the distribution and balance of power in Russia will be a long-term game process. On expounding on the federal reform of Russia, the writer focuses on three emphases that should be noticed. The first is to improve the constitution governmental system. The key to the transformation of Russia to constitutional governmental system and is development is the establishment maintenance of its constitution.The second is to properly handle ethnic relations. On the one hand, chauvinism should be eliminated. On the other, independence consciousness of other ethnic groups should be avoided in order to keep the harmony and unity of Russian people. The third is to respect social, historical and political culture. The political maturity and concept transformation of Russian citizens also influence the development and reform of constitutional governmental system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Russian, federal system, reform
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