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Social Security Research Of Migrant Workers

Posted on:2011-07-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L F ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Migrant workers is an important part of the city to city growth and modernization drive has made outstanding contributions, however, while the social security issue has been no effective solution, in such circumstances, we must fully understand the situation of migrant workers and migrant workers and work out a new social security policy to protect the legitimate rights of migrant workers.Of this paper falls into five chapters, the first chapter, review document, and theoretical basis and necessity. From the second chapter to the main part of the distribution of migrant workers, and the basic source of social security situation described, and analyze the problems and problems. the third chapter give a solution to social security issues while the specific measures to:first of all migrant workers, and then try to break the dual structure and, Finally, a work injury, old-age pension and medical insurance of the three major reforms. chapter iv describes the social security problems of migrant workers:that migrant workers and enterprises, the government three winding, benign cycle.This through for ZUNYI GUIZHOU 300 paper investigate and interview, while fully grasp the basic conditions and social security, is provided by the social security problems of migrant workers and concrete implementation measures for 300 while the investigation and analysis of data, i found all kinds of migrant workers, for example, the migrant workers, the rating of labor contract signing is low and working environment is very bad, etc. The analysis of these problems, then over the question put forward specific practical measures. at last made by the government, enterprises and migrant workers tripartite coordination of, and fundamentally solve the problems of migrant workers. to solve social security issue of migrant workers to open up a road.
Keywords/Search Tags:Security
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