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On Construction Of The Abolition Of Juvenile Crime Records In China

Posted on:2011-02-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The abolition of juvenile crime records system is an important component of the juvenile justice system, which is rich in the connotation if law. This system, which is consistent with the value of justice and the modestly restraining spirit of criminal law, is beneficial to realize the purpose of criminal law, and to guard against the juvenile delinquency. The abolition of juvenile crime records system seals up the records of minor offenders, which makes the juveniles as non-criminals. So, not only is the establishment of this system profitable to tear up the label of juveniles, but also profitable to perfect the legal system of child welfare. Right now, the social status of minor offenders in China is not optimistic. Therefore, it might be rational to establish the abolition of juvenile crime records system, timely and appropriately. In addition, the construction of this system opens a door to the minor offender who wants to correct his errors and make a fresh start, which help him stay away from the abyss of crime. With the judicial practice and the legislation of foreign countries, it is not only necessity but also feasibility to construct the abolition of juvenile crime records system in China. But this system still faces some predicament to put it into practice. Therefore, we can only expand and actualize it with enough preparation.
Keywords/Search Tags:juvenile delinquency, abolition of crime records, construction
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