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Research On The Basic Elements Of Marxism In China

Posted on:2010-06-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q R TianFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360275952542Subject:Scientific Socialism and the international communist movement
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Following the 20th century in the late 30's to 40's in the latter half of the Marxist theory of the academic study of China after the climax of the 20th century since the 90's of the Marxist theory of academic research in China to take the heat.In the current academic theories of Marxism in China a lot of research in the field at the time of the great achievements, highlighted "return" to study Marxism in China the importance of the basic elements, the basic elements of Marxism in China to form the "scaffolding "Theory of different views" contend "and" Qi-fang "the" root ", the more deeply the more we need Shigeru, the more the more it can return to simplicity Park in recent years of returning to Marxist "is growing louder that the be reasonable.In this paper, the formation of Marxism in China to study the basic elements of the object, the whole five major components.The first part is the basis for an article on the study of the subject content of a few basic concepts. Include: "elements" and characteristics of the connotation of the word, "Marxism in China" connotation, "Marxism in China the basic elements of the scope of the definition. "Elements" is in accordance with the essential characteristics of common and common features of the composition of a "system" and the interaction of essential elements, factors, context, modules, and some are classified, such as the results after the formation of areas of expression. With relative independence, the assumption can not be further divided, and the level of features and functionality; "Marxism in China" in China use the Marxist stand, viewpoint and method to treat its own and our own organic unity of theory and practice of paradigm. Marxism in China "basic elements" is to form the substance of Marxism in China, and with the fundamental basis of those "elements", according to "the basic elements of self-embodied in the specific or abstract, such as external or internal features, the formation of Marxism in China "basic elements" into the scope of "essential elements of external nature" and "the inherent nature of the basic elements." "The basic elements of externality," including the Marxist theory, the real, the main body of Marxist theory in China, "the inherent nature of the basic elements of Marxism in China, including the rules and mechanisms. The second part is the research on Marxism in China to form the basic elements of significance. Study the formation of elements of Marxism in China there is the whole meaning of theoretical significance and practical significance. First of all, reflected in the advance of Marxism-depth development of China's needs, contribute to the deepening of the Marxist understanding of China and the achievement of its healthy development; followed reflected in the current hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, needs help to maintain and develop the Chinese characteristics of the socialist road, and is conducive to upholding and developing the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics.Started on the third part of the formation of Marxism in China and the outside of the basic elements of Marxism in China in the role of paradigm formation. Mainly include: (1) the basic tenets of Marxism and its spiritual essence. The basic tenets of Marxism it is very difficult with "several" to sum up, in the face of profound Marxist theory, can be grasped in its essence is that the Marxist stand, viewpoint and method of Marxism the soul of the activities of We have a long-lasting significance; (2) China's main practice. Marxism in China the main body of Marxism in China to provide a dynamic sense of and implement, the main changes in the composition is complex, and we pay more attention to Marxism of the true masters of China. At the same time, the main difference in Marxism in China, the specific role of different worker-peasant alliance is the main force, theoretical work is the boosters, the leader who is a combination of different opinions; (3) China's real. China's actual mainly in modern times of China's national conditions, history of excellent history and culture, the practice of the main activities in the different aspects of the actual Marxism in China has a different role; (4) Marxist theory in China. This is Marxism with China's reality, after combining the theory of crystallization, including Mao Zedong Thought and the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, Chinese Marxist theory of Marxism in China has set an example, the normative effects.Started on the fourth part of the formation of Marxism in China the basic elements of internal and in the formation of the Marxist paradigm of China's role. Mainly include: (1) Marxism and the law of China. Marxism in China's laws, is to push forward the process of Marxism in China in Marxist theory, the real, the practice of the subject and the Marxist theory in China between the nature of elements, the inevitable link. It summed up the content of Marxist adaptation of the law of the specific situation in China, Marxism with China's practice of the law of integration, the Marxist theory of the concrete practice of China's guiding laws, the practice of the main advance of Marxist theory, promotion, innovation and the law Marxism with the integration of traditional Chinese culture with the laws of the development of cultural transmission, the law and seeking truth from facts. Plays an important role in the laws of Marxism in China has revealed the basic composition and the nature of the requirements of Marxism in China is the historical experience of existence is turned on Marxism in China the key to the future; (2) the mechanism of Marxism in China. First of all defined Marxism in China is to study the mechanisms of the paradigm of Marxism in China between the constituent elements of the internal stability and interaction between structure and function of the regularity model. The second describes the grasp of Marxism in China the mechanism of Marxism in China paradigm the value of the theory and practice.The fifth part is the overall description of Marxist theory, the real, the Chinese practice of the main body of Marxist theory in China, the laws of Marxism in China, the linkages between mechanisms and interactions, from both inside and outside of Marxism in China show the formation of. First of all, note the formation of Marxism in China than corporatization of the link between the basic elements; followed that form of Marxism in China and the basic elements of the intrinsic links between; the last note of the formation of Marxism in China and the basic elements of the external and internal nature of the basic the links between elements, their interaction is bound to form a paradigm of Marxism in China.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marxismin, China, the main elements
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