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The Major Measures Of The Communist Party Of China On Clean Government During The Anti-japan War And Its Enlightenment

Posted on:2010-12-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y KangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360272999082Subject:Chinese Communist Party
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Communist Party of China is the vanguard of the working class serving the people wholeheartedly,armed by Marxism-Leninism,the thought of Mao Zedong. Since the Party was fpounded,the struggle for the interests of the proletarian has been clearly provided.Therefore,in China's long-term practice of revolutionary struggle,the party called for party members to be conscious of serving the people wholeheartedly, clean and honest,hard work and plain living,and led the entire party to struggle with a variety of corruption made unremittingly,achieved good effectiveness.Inheriting and carrying forward the fine tradition and style of clean government during the War of Resistance against Japan and today's anti-corruption struggle has important practical significance to establish a new socialist culture.This article is divided into three parts:The first part:" after the outbreak of September 18" Incident,the ethnic conflicts between China and Japan gradually rise to major status,China's domestic class relations changes.The Communist Party of China in accordance with prevailing domestic political situation changes,published a series of claims of anti-Japanese national salvation,and took action to support and carry out anti-Japanese struggle. Meanwhile,in order to adapt to the needs of the War of Resistance against Japan positivelyof the Chinese Communist Party in the revolutionary base set up anti-Japanese democratic regime,strengthen the people's army,so that the Chinese revolution entered a new historical period.However,at that time because of the political,economic and cultural aspects of complex reasons,the Chinese Communist Party was faced with severe Independent tests,some of the Chinese Communist Party and government organs had varying degrees of corruption,corruption,on a considerable extent damaged the relationship between the Party and people interfering with the smooth conduct of the War of Resistance against Japan.Therefore,the problem caused the great importance the Communist Party of China attach to,the party promptly took effective measures to carry out an uncompromising struggle.Partâ…¡:facing the phenomenon of corruption emerging in the War of Resistance Against Japan,the Chinese Communist Party and Mao Zedong as the representative of the leaders,had always maintained a clear head,took a series of measures to effectively curb corruption in the local situation and punish corruption elements,to maintain the purity of the proletarian party.In this paper,from the four aspects,expounds major initiatives the Communist Party of China and the Government of the border area had taken.First of all,the emphasis on ideological and political education,combat corruption and improve anti-corrosion ability.Secondly,strengthen the rules and regulations to curb the corruption phenomenon.Third,establish and improve the supervision mechanism,urge the members and cadres in a clean and honest administration.Finally,the cadres take the lead,develop a clean habits.Partâ…¢:During Anti-Japanese War the successful experience of the struggle against corruption and clean government practice are precious spiritual wealth the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries left us with.For today,in building socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new period,to strengthen the Party building and clean government,the anti-corruption struggle,it is still a historical inspiration and practical significance.Its historical enlightenment can be summed up as follows:First,clean government counts to the political parties rise and fall of the regime.Party style and clean government and fight corruption are related to the survival of the Communist Party of China.After decades of revolution,construction and reform process,the Chinese Communist Party has put a dean government,as important questions of party building and political construction,and made a series of major policy decisions and plans,also made clear the effect to promote the Communist Party building and the building of political power in order to consolidate the Chinese Communist Party's ruling position.Second,strengthen the ideological and political education are the basis of a clean government.Education is a basic anti-corruption. during the War of Resistance against Japan,ideological and political education activities the Party carried out made the Border Region Government very clean,style and social atmosphere won the widely praise of the people of the world.Living conditions,national conditions,the party witnessed tremendous changes in the situation of today,education has the urgency and necessity.In this process of education, leading cadres should be focused on education to play a model role,and further improve the anti-coruption campaign of propaganda and education work pattern so that the whole society face exit Education,thereby there is a strong the Great Wall fighting against corruption.Third,the develop the legal system thati is the key to a clean government.The legal system and clean government are the political guarantee victory. Anti-Japanese War,the Communist Party of China improveed various rules and regulations to enable the party and government cadres in the law,to develop a clean style,to prevent corruption.The new era we must vigorously strengthen the building of the legal system,to curb corruption from the source on the breeding.First,the rule of law replace the rule of man;second,reform and innovation system;third,strengthen the legal system.The fight against corruption from the system in order to truly embody the nature and purpose of the Communist Party,really build a clean government. Fourth,monitoring mechanisms are set up so that clean government are protected.To curb official corruption more effectively,the most critical measures are continuously perfect and improve the national public officials mechanism of supervision and restraint.To improve the monitoring mechanism at this stage the most effective way is to strengthen the powers of restraint and supervision over the establishment of socialism with Chinese characteristics supervision system.First,the legal system is set up so that the power must be come from;second,two build supervision,so that the power run in the sun.seting up and running the monitoring mechanism,are an important way that urge party members and cadres to be government officials and prevent abuse of power.
Keywords/Search Tags:Anti-Japanese War, Communist Party of China, Clean government
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