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The Public Service Unit Reform Study

Posted on:2010-12-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360272998816Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Public Service Unit (PSU) is a social service organization established by the government agencies and other organizations with state owned assets for the purpose of social public benefit, and carries out activities in education,science and technology, culture, health or in other areas. It's main characteristic is established by the government, financed by the government, aiming at public benefit service not for making profits. The PSU has taken shape and developed under the highly centralized planned economy since the founding of the PRC. It differs from government agencies and enterprises, nor the third sector and NGO of the western countries, it is a unique social organization of China and has played an proactive promotion role for the prosperity of all social services of China. After the reform and opening-up, with the transformation from planed economy to the socialist market economy, the abuses of the management system and operation mechanism are getting more and more obvious.The management system needs to be straighten out, public service provision is inadequate, public service resources wasted greatly, management mechanism is ossified and lacking of vitality, agencies and employees expanded greatly, financial burdens are too heavy. All these factors have restricted the economic and social development, affected the transformation of government functions and the realization of people-centered scientific development goal.China has been putting forward the PSU reform for recent years in the areas of science and technology ,education, culture, health, broadcasting and television, publication, geology prospecting, engineering prospecting and design, and had made some positive exploration on streamlining administration and delegating power, transformating functions and strengthening public services. However, due to some reasons, our reform is lacking of overall objective design and supporting measures, at a partial, decentralized condition, without joint force. It is difficult to push forward the reform to an overall and in-depth direction.The implementation scientific outlook on development requires further transformation of the functions of government, put more emphases on public services, this has made a more urgent request on an overall and thoroughly reform of PSU.To learn lessons from the past experience, it is necessary to analyze and set up a rational goal and well design the master plan to push forward the overall reform of PSU, and ensure the reform to achieve the expect results in light of the correct goal and direction. Based on broad analysis and research, this thesis depicts the goal pattern should be: carry out the scientific outlook on development, adapt to the need of economic and social development, fully implement the governmental public service functions, orient to separate the government agencies and PSU and PSU socialization, transform the management system, innovate the operation mechanism, optimize the allocation of public service resources, make full use of public service function, to build up a just, fair, moderate, benefit to the whole people and sustainable developed public service system, to equalize basic public service.In light of this pattern, this thesis summarize the routes to push forward the reform. A, enhence the organizational leadership of the reform. Establish a PSU reform leading agency with highly authority and decision-making level by the central government to work under the leadership of CPC Central Committee or State Council, to guide, coordinate and push forward the national reform process, to transit the PSU reform from the dispersed driven by the department and region to the strong driven by the CPC Central Committee. B, planning the overall reform strategy, make scientific planning to the overall reform plan based on massive detailed investigation and study, statistical analysis and experimental case study. C, clearly define the functions, separate government agencies with PSU, separate the leadership with ownership, hand over these functions which should not be responsible for the government and exercise the government power properly, take the basic function of market in the allocation of resources, encourage citizens and social organizations participate in management of the social public affairs, provide public product more effectively. D, push forward classification reform. Reform and manage the PSU by classification in light of their function, adopt different policies and measures to different kinds of PSU to push forward reform. E, push forward PSU socialization. The government could provide public service by setting up different kinds of PSU, and also as a public manager to attract social organizations and individuals to invest in the social services, promote the development of all kinds of social services by planning, guiding,controlling and supervising. F, push forward other reforms. Study relating reform and work out connecting and supporting policies according to the master plan of the reform, push forward them coordinately to maximize the reform effects.That should include refrom of financial budget system, social security system and pesonnel system.G, perfect PSU legal person system. Well defined PSU legal person status, attempt gradually to establish council as the main structure of the legal person governance structure according to the characteristic and concrete condition of PSU.H, strengthen PSU supervision. The government should establish specially supervision organization to supervise the service, quality, price of PSU. It is also possible to invite social evaluation organization to make the opinion survey for the public products and services of PSU and evaluate the achivements by degree of satisfaction of the public to promote the PSU to improve service .This thesis depicts the objective pattern of reform of PSU and routes selection,aiming at providing reference for the further practice of pushing forward the overall reform.
Keywords/Search Tags:Undertakings, PSU, PSU reform, Objective, Route
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