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Historical Study On Crime Of Counter-revolution

Posted on:2008-03-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360272980539Subject:Criminal Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This thesis discusses the process of birth, growth and death of the crime of counter-revolution, analyzes the background and reason, and tries to find out the the historical experience and lessons. Literature consultation is employed in the thesis. The answers of the questions are achieved by reading the historical literature on crime of counter-revolution. Crime of counter-revolution first appeared in《Crime of Counter-revolution Ordinance》,which is promulgated by Wuhan National Government on 30th March 1927. At that time the domestic history event "Quarrel Over Capital's Relocation" Of the day and abroad Soviet Union government and Criminal Law of Soviet Union both contribute to the birth of the Crime. The Crime of counter-revolution extinguished and was replaced by Crimes of Endangering National Security in 1997, in which year the new Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China is enacted . The altering of the imputation is the need of depoliticization, in order to meet the needs of the country, also accompanied by the consolidation of the theory on criminal constitution and benefit the international judicial assistance. The paper illustrates the birth and death of the crime of counter-revolution, points out its Function & Status in the history of Criminal Law in China, explains the reference and the enlightenment on the development of law science of modern China and the establishment of modern law society.This dissertation consists of five chapters. The first chapter introduces the research results already achieved on crime of counter-revolution and points out the question which this dissertation will answer, so that the objective and task of this study are presented. In the second chapter, the birth of crime of counter-revolution is presented, and the former history of crime of counter-revolution is also expounded. In the third chapter, the growth progress of crime of counter-revolution is presented. The fourth chapter describes the extinction of crime of counter-revolution. These three chapters all explain the Historical Background and Historic Significance of crime of counter-revolution. The last chapter gives a summary, answers the question raised in the first chapter and points out the insufficiencies in the dissertation.
Keywords/Search Tags:crime of counter-revolution, Crime of Counter-revolution Ordinance, Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China in 1979, Criminal Law of the the People's Republic of China in 1997, Crimes of Endangering National Security
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