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Adjustment Of The Estate Management Relations By The Ownership Of Property Act

Posted on:2008-06-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T T JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360272969594Subject:Economic Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The thesis is made up of there parts, including the foreword, the straight matter and the epilogue.The foreword presents the significance of the adjustment which is carried out by The Ownership of Property Act to the estate management relation. It also points out that the central content in this thesis is the dissertation which explains how The Ownership of Property Act carries through the adjustment to the estate management relations. Since the estate management relations are very complicated, the treatise will emphasis on its legal relations.The straight matter is divided into four sections.The first section introduces the basic conceptions of the estate management relation. This section points out that it is the owner who usufructs the buildings differentiation property right. The estate management relation is established on the theory of the buildings differentiation property right, it has several particular characteristics which are different from the other legal relations. In this section, it also presents the basic theories of the buildings differentiation property right and its significance to the estate management in the modern world.After opening out the internal relation of the buildings differentiation property right and the estate management relation, section2 and section3 concretely analyze the idiographic items in The Ownership of Property Act.The last section of the straight matter points out the problems which need to be consummated in the future, and brings several personal glancing suggestions to establishing and perfecting the legal system of the estate management.Conclusion is a summery of the whole thesis.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Ownership of Property Act, Estate management, Estate management relation, Adjustment
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