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The Civil Participation Of Democratic Administration In Our Country

Posted on:2009-05-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360272963500Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowdays, with the deep transformation of decentralization movement and new public administration movement. Governments have carried on wide cooperation with civil society, non-government organization, The political power will return to civil society, governmental function covert from manage to service aiming on realization of socialization of public power and maximum of public benefit.This paper consider public administration of the democratic government isn't the bureaucratic patent, the responsibility of government management depend on the whole citizen, first we sum up the basic category of democratic administration and civil participation, set forth the relation evolvement of democracy, democratic administration, civil and civil participation. Open out the importance of civil participation in democratic administration and logic relation between them: development of democratic administration bring up active people and organization; civil participation is development direction and power guarantee of democratic administration. After systemic study of west democratic administration and participation theory, we don't know whether or not it agree on the Chinese democracy governance and civil participation. Therefore, it is important for Chinese government innovation to find out the background and material mode of west governance and participation in practice.The second part is the key of this paper, At first, it gives the whole development situation of democratic administration and citizen participation in our country, and deeply study the current main problem of democratic administration and citizen participation in our country and analysis its procreant root, find out the common rule of citizen participation in development on the base of the tradition culture and current market economy. Analysis the state absence of bureaucracy organization in democracy administration. Bring forward the proper government organization of democracy administration and penetrative mechanism of civil society. Bureaucracy organization ought to provide citizen participation method positively in order to achieve democracy administration and change the passive, negative and conservative impression of past bureaucracy organization, At the same time, citizen must effectively improve their own diathesis, became a favorable moral citizen and actively throw themselves into public affairs.The final part gives a basic way of citizen participation in democratic administration. Put forward perfect democratic administration mode of "government and citizen cooperating" at the base of citizen participating feasibility and basic organization of government, administrative staff, citizen themselves and local basic organization. In order to promote orderly citizen participation, design organization and legal system in favor of citizen participation.We shall know the cooperation between governments, citizen and organization have been an important phenomenon in international society, people look forward to depending on cooperative style among them to find a better effective management method of public affairs. Well then, whether can democratic administration afford the aspiration and hope of the people or not? Whether shall we look democratic administration as an ideal or an intending dream, or a realistic practice course? Such many problems are come up during the course of the theory and practice of the development of democratic administration, they are looking forward to be thought, argumentation and answer by the people.
Keywords/Search Tags:Democracy administration, Civil participation, Governance
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