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Inner-party Inspection System And Anti-corruption Research

Posted on:2009-01-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X FuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360248950068Subject:Marxist theory and ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Against the building of a harmonious socialist society background, tighten the restraint on and supervision over the use of power is concrete matters of the important thoughts of acting on the Three Represents, carrying out the scientific concept of development and founding the harmonious socialist society and important component of developing socialist democracy and building a socialist political civilization and objective needs of propelling the new great project of Party building and improving the Party's governing capacity.Promoting the construction of fighting against corruption and advocacy for clean governance will greatly help develop inner-Party democracy, further keep the flesh-and-blood ties between the Party and the people, observe the Party's principle of democratic centralism, uphold strictly the Party political discipline, ensure decisions of the Central Committee being carried out without fail, adhere to the principle that the policy of being strict in Party discipline, promote the leading bodies and the leading cadres earnestly implement the responsibility system for improving the Party's work style and building clean government and take the lead for the construction of an honest and diligent government .Carry out the tour of inspection work is an important measure of the Party improving our fight against corruption and advocacy for clean governance mechanism and increasing supervision within the Party and a most important political choice for strengthen and improve the Party Building. If the tour of inspection work do well, can further promote democracy, solicited a wide range of opinions and advices; can keep abreast of the leading bodies and the leading cadres whether they carry out the Party's line, principles and policies, the system of democratic centralism, promotion and recruitment of officials and implement the responsibility system for improving the Party's work style; can increase supervision within the Party through rules, promote our leading cadres clean, honest and self-disciplined, exercise state power according to law, at the same time, it can solve unhealthy praethy and corruption in the bud, decrease the growth of corruption.Starting at the history of our tour of inspection work this text study the characteristic, function, effect, task and method of this system of our country .It analyses the present situation and problems of the system of inspection tours and put forward improved countermeasure. Thus building clean and honest governments enhance capacity of the Party to prevent and punish corruption by further Strengthen and improve the tour of inspection work.
Keywords/Search Tags:Inspection system, Inner-party supervision, Anti-corruption, transformation
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