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The Improvement Of China's Legal System On Venture Investment In Different Stages

Posted on:2008-04-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Venture capital is of significant force for the development of the high-tech enterprises and the industrialization of technological production. It can not only accelerate the establishment and perfection on technological innovation system, but also promote the adjustment for industry structure and economy configuration. The corporation financing system will be perfected, and the capital collocation can also be optimized. There will be abundant of employment opportunities for citizens, which can increase the state fortune.The development of venture capital requires favorable environment. Law and policy system stand on the top list of all elements. It will attach high importance to the colligation insurance affection and promotion operation for systematizing on law and policy system circumstance.It will consider the four steps of a lifecycle, birthing, shaping, maturing, and withering, as basic carrier and masterstroke for venture capital enterprises. The system has testified the best law condition on each phase for venture capital enterprises. Venture capital law system is composed of the relational contents on investment admittance law system, enterprise law system, limited corporation law system, technology law system, guaranteed law system, revenue law system and investment quitting law system. Our country use the experience associated with law condition perfecting process from developed country for reference and put forward a series of suggestions on how to narrow the gap on this aspect between our country and the developed country.
Keywords/Search Tags:venture capital, investment stages, legal system, improvement
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