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Background Of China's New Internationalism Diplomacy Towards Africa After The Cold War And Its Innovation In Practice

Posted on:2009-04-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z G GeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360245462434Subject:International politics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the process of peaceful development, China has taken more and more responsibilities in international affairs. Africa, as the land which mostly needs development, is carrying on the one-area integration. African countries want to realize peace, stability, and development in the land. In order to accommodate to political and economic changes and the beneficial requirement of Africa, the relationship between China and Africa needs the New Internationalism.The first part of the thesis defines the features of Internationalism during the Cold War. According to the Reform and Open-up of China, it is divided into two periods. With the different views about the age, main-profit and China's position in the international world, China's diplomatic Internationalism towards Africa are different in contexts and features during these two periods. Especially after the Reform, China has rebuilt Internationalism in its own way, which is the origination of New Internationalism. There are several features of it: not emphasize ideology as before, support the development of their national economy but not support the African liberation and the struggle against imperialism, colonization as well as supremacy, strengthen the equal-benefit trade and the development of Africa but not provide disinterested aid and international incumbency.The second part discusses the background and features of China's diplomatic New Internationalism towards Africa after the Cold War. The international conditions have changed complexly and deeply. After the Cold War, economic globalization sweeps all over the world, and expands into politics, culture, and ideology. China's international status has risen with the improvement of its comprehensive strength. And China's attitude towards the world has changed a lot. Not seeing the world doubtfully, China begins to attend international affairs more and more confidently. However, the African countries, which are poor, backward and weak, are very passive in the waves of Economic Globalization. There are some deep negative affects. It is a common sense among the African countries that they should take an allied way independently; pursue the peace, stability and development. On the other hand, western countries take flexible and practical measures as well. Now, pursuing peace, making development and promoting cooperation have become prevailing. Under the affect of peace, development and cooperation, the China's diplomatic Internationalism towards Africa has also changed a lot. Now, the features of the China's diplomatic Internationalism are to fit the development, mix internationalism with patriotism and take care of the common benefit of human beings; adapt to the international system, attend the communities actively and seek the benefit-cooperation with African countries; create China's figure as a large country, increase the Chinese influence in Africa and promote the harmonious world.The third part is the practice of China's New Internationalism towards Africa. There are three aspects. Firstly, political security. The struggle of human rights and sovereignty as well as the untraditional security become more and more important in co-operation. It incarnates China's New Internationalism in the problem of keeping peace and reforming of United Nations. Secondly, economy. The cooperation between China and Africa will really benefit each other. This embodies in economic communication, technical aid, education, derating taxes and so on. In 2000, the China-Africa cooperative forum was set up. It's a stage of making dialogues between China and the friendly African countries. It's also a system of cooperation among the developing countries with South-South Cooperation. Lastly, culture. By communicating, learning and respecting the rights of selecting social system and development model, China and African countries could realize and promote the friendly connection and equal dialogue between different cultures, uphold the rights of speaking in the international stage and avoid the marginalization of China and African countries. All of these are to build a harmonious world.The last part is about some problems and thoughts in the practice of New Internationalism. How to deal with the cooperation between China and African countries in international problems and the respective benefits of every country is a problem demanding prompt solution. The "China-Threats" idea damages China's image in Africa. Meanwhile, the misfeasance of some Chinese companies and investors take a serious damage to China's New Internationalism towards Africa. Facing these problems and deficiency, we should first define China's position in the practice of New Internationalism, then establish the figure of big power, and last we should improve and deepen the system of China-Africa cooperation forum.
Keywords/Search Tags:China, Africa, New Internationalism, Background, Feature
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