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The Analysis Of China's Rural Public Health Product Supply

Posted on:2009-12-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X P YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360242982911Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Rural public health is the priority of hygiene work in our country , it is very important for vitalizing rural economy, sustainning rural social development and improving the peasant quality. While the importance of rural public health work is ensuring the rural public health product can be supplied effectively to satisfy the hygiene need that the peasant diversifies and realize the target that the peasant can get what they want. This need an effective rural public health product supply institution as a guarantee. Scanning the current rural public health product supply institution in our country, it is not difficult to find that this supply institution is still the one that formed before the opening-reform, Because of the effect of economy , political system , financial resources , local government implementation and peasant participation possibility and so on , this institution appears the character of supply-led everywhere: directed by the governmental supply , which works through the"superincumbent decision-making system"; Government is the single main supply body while the peasant and the social strength can do little . This supply-led public health product supply institution exerted an important factor in that particular period and got a big accomplishment , so it was honoured"successful hygiene revolution"by the World Bank. However, with the change of the environment in economy and politics after the 80th period, the disadvantage of the supply-led public health product supply institution begins to appear, a variety of problems also begin to appear ,which stand out are follows: On one hand, the quantity of supply is not sufficient and results in the coast of the condition of rural public health ; the now available public health product cannot meet the new need of the peasant ; peasant themselves have to pay for public health product which should be free. On the other hand, from the point of the supply-demand structure, the contradiction with relative redundancy and hygiene inadequate resources coexists. Resolving the extant problems is a necessity, which need to find the origin of the result. Analysing the origin initiating these problems is still the factors such as economy , political system , financial resources , local government implementation and peasant participation possibility that results in whose formation . Therefore, to some extent, the above factors that resulted in the formation of the supply-led public health product supply institution are both the origin of its achievement and the problems.Questing more effective rural public health product supply institution to resolve the extant problems is both the theory need and practical need. According to the problems which resulted from the supply-led public health product supply institution, this article brings forward the demand-led public health product supply institution and also has proved its necessity and feasibility: Firstly, from the point of necessity, constructing this institution is the necessity of resolving the extant problems, meeting the changeable hygiene need for peasant, restraining the government's self- interest nature; At the same time, the character of Public health product, our country's current financial resources, the change of service-led government and the improving public health awareness after the SARS all have provided feasibility for it. Visibly, constructing the demand-led public health product supply institution have become an inevitable trend, this article brought forward some suggestions as to how to construct that institution at last: the first is to exert government's main body function through perfecting transfer payment system and special finance system as well as researching the rural health human resource policy. The second is to expand the main body of the rural public health product supply by making conditions for the peasant and social strength participating in the rural public health product supply. The third is to expand the approach for the peasant to participate in the supply decision-making to perfect expressing mechanism through cultivating peasant's participation awareness, perfecting the intermediary agent for decision-making, building a questionnaire system. The fourth is to perfect supervision mechanism to urge the relevant policy to be carried out. While during the entire constructing process government still exert the main function although which needs all the government's, the peasant's and the social strength's participation. It is decided by the character and quality of the rural public health product.The author hopes that the search of the demand-led rural public health product supply institution can provide some useful value for resolving the extant rural public health problems.
Keywords/Search Tags:Analysis
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