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Study Of Scientific Development View In Dialectics

Posted on:2009-08-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J X ShenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360242982164Subject:Philosophy of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Development Theory is a specialized study for the modernization of the core content of the social sciences group. Development concept, as is the practice in developed and developing countries progress in continuous progress deepening. The scientific development concept is the development of our country in the Western concept of the historical evolution and lessons learned on the basis of the traditional history of China specific national conditions and realistic, in view of global issues and sustainable development of China socialist market economy, the social development in China in the new era theory.The scientific development concept is against our country is in the process of the socialist market economy in the emerging global environmental issues, the question of resources, moral justice, and international competition, and other issues, as well as domestic issues dividing rich and the poor, unbalanced regional development, bureaucratic corruption and other issues put forth .The scientific concept of development, the core of man and nature is the coordination of micro-premise adhere to the people-centered, in the ecological coordination on the basis of the promotion of people all-round development. The scientific development concept, the reality is the theoretical basis of the basis of practice, including the development of Western economic theory, theory of social development, especially dialectical materialism and historical materialism is the concept of scientific development theory and according to the kernel.In this paper the development of the West based on the theory of Marxist dialectical materialism to the theory of the core, from a philosophical level of China scientific development concept for research.This paper consists of four parts: the first part, the development of the concept of historical evolution, the theory of development on different connotation and develop the cause of the problem, describe the construction of China socialist market economic problems faced by the scientific concept of development on the background and theoretical implications; The second part, on the concept of scientific development theory needs to be justice, of the concept of scientific development philosophy basis of the concept of scientific development philosophy and essence of the third part on the concept of scientific development and the development of philosophy and theory of value; fourth part of the scientific exposition development of the practical value and guidance measures.China socialist market economy, no ready-made experience and theory, in practice can only be summed up exploration. The scientific development concept is to explore China socialist market economy theoretical innovation, it profoundly expression of a socialist market economy and the ultimate goal of essential requirements, and deepened the understanding of socialism, to enrich and develop Marxism. Therefore, the concept of scientific development has far-reaching theoretical value.At the same time, the concept of scientific development of China socialist modernization drive guiding ideology. In the new period of socialist construction, we should note that the development of this concept and the development of the economy but stressed that only one-sidedness material development, which is now the main cause of the development of China ideological obstacles. Only in accordance with the scientific development concept, comprehensively and thoroughly on China economic, political, legal, scientific and cultural construct, can overcome the limitations of the traditional concept of development, the real achievement of a comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development. Therefore, implementing the scientific concept of development and implementation, but also a realistic practical significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Development
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