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The Right Of Privacy And Its Legal Protection On The Network

Posted on:2008-04-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L YangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In cyberspace, the continuous change of technology brings forward challenge to the protection of the right to privacy. In the modern information society created by computers and internet, traditional right to privacy extends toward the cyberspace continuously and has new contents. Internet customers have the right that their quiet life and private information are guarded on the network. Many new characteristics for the right to privacy have appeared under the environment of Internet, such as, the expansion and datalization of the object, the property value of the right to privacy, the complication of privacy, intellectual and obscure means of right infringing and so on. New quality of internet gives birth to new contents of the right to privacy: the right of knowledge of personal data, the right of selection of personal data, the right of use of personal data, the right of safety of personal data. Due to the development of internet technology and the internet function, the situation of infringement to the right to privacy becomes worse. As to the infringement, there are several types: private information is opened on the network without authorization. System is invaded to collect information or capture, copy electronic information transferred by others without authorization. Computer viruses are created and spread. Junk Emails are sent out by commercial companies. Private information is also illegally gained and utilized through IP and Cookies. Equipment provider inspects users' private information and Internet Service Provider encroaches on the privacy of the owner directly or indirectly. There are two different methods to protect private right on the network in the world. One is legal protection mode, which is adopted by European Union. The other is American trade self-discipline mode. First of all, the status of the right of privacy in the law field should be ensured in China, and then the legal protection mode should be built up step by step. Also the regulation for the right to privacy in cyberspace should be made as early as possible in order to protect the right of privacy on the network..
Keywords/Search Tags:on the network, The right of privacy, Legal protection
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