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Elucidation Of The Marxism's Theory Of End

Posted on:2008-11-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360215956298Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the mankind's ideological history, teleology which dates back very long an whose form is varied is a kind of theory including a lot of thoughts. The traditional meaning of teleology satisfies people's curiosity of exploring the root of the nature. But along with the development of the natural science and science doctrine spirit, this kind of teleology became the most notorious theory from the most authoritative interpreting pattern. However, its rational factors and inspiring thoughts were absorbed as well as developped by the new science doctrine and modern biologies, and the teleology was re-interpreted. Teleology recovered in this environment. Under this background, the academic circles throw vision to Marxist philosophy system again, and tried to use the thoughts of neo-teleology to study and develop the Marxism theory about it. At the same time, I hold the idea that the Marxist ends theory is still worthy of scooping out. Therefore this issue took the Marxist ends theory as research object, and made a Re-elucidation of the theory about ends in Marxism-Leninism Classics.This issue is divided into four parts. In the first part, the writer introduced the origins and the history evolution of the teleology: the abuses of the concept of end, and the restrict of the low level of productivity and cognition in the initial period of human being's development were the reasons of forming the teleology paradigm. Then the writer made a clear view of the evolution of teleology, and made a distinction between traditional neo-teleology thoughts and that after the 20th century. All of these made a theoretical upholstery for studying the Marxist theory afterwards.The second part of issue aiming at the impact and the influence that the neo-teleology thoughts brought, made a Re-elucidation of the Marxist theory about ends, including the Re-elucidations of the teleologic problems of the nature and the mankind's society. Then offered the opinion that the Marxist philosophy system denied that end exists in nature and the special realm of nature—Biosphere. The opinion that end exists in nature actually obscures the concept of cause and end, mixes up the explanation of end and the pattern of deduction and interpretation. At the same time, by the comparison between the animals' instinct activities and mankind's teleologic activities, and analyzed from the perspective of mankind's embryology, the issue analyzed why only mankind can carry on the activities according to their own ends. At last, on the basis of the study ahead, the thesis made a distinction of concept,study level between Marxist ends theory and neo-teleology , and the possible development direction of neo-teleologyThe following part is more details about the Marxist thoughts in the construction and realization of mankind's end. Specifically speaking, the third part analyzed that how to form the mankind's end and which principles needed to form a significant end. It contains that although people's end may have subjective form, its content is specific and objective, forming a significant end needs to follow the external criterions of the objective principles, and satisfy the internal criterions of the people's needs,value choice and people's ability, as well as the criterions of aesthetics.In the fourth part, the writer discussed how the mankind's end is realized, how its process of realization is like, which principles needed to guarantee the end's effective realization, and the end's self-perfection process in its realization process. Ends exist throughout the people's social practice process, the realization of ends is a process of the negation of negation, the realization of ends should follow the objective principles, however, because the cognition and grasp of objective principles have the relativity and the process, people always change their activities, their ends need to be unceasingly self-revised and consummated in this process also.
Keywords/Search Tags:end, teleology, neo-teleology, construction of end, realization of end
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