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Countermeasures Research On Inmates Production Management Under The New Situation In Guangdong

Posted on:2008-05-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360215462182Subject:Project management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Detention work is a unique legal system , that for the comprehensive management of public security and the maintenance of stability in an important function . Education-through-labor system was further improved, and the work of reeducation through labor is facing a historical turning point in the development of new opportunities ,with political civilization civilized legal system, the building of a harmonious society and the deepening of the judicial system reform of the mechanism for the work of constantly accelerating pace . To this end, Guangdong inmates to raise awareness of the work of expanding the scope inmates, the inmates innovative ideas, on the implementation of the Party's Central Committee building of a harmonious society strategic task of building a harmonious Guangdong significant.This paper analyzes the profound inmates production activities of the problem . especially in conjunction with the Guangdong inmates production of the actual situation, Analysis of the existence of the problem, a problem-solving measures.The article Construct a new detention production management system, according to "full protection by separating the revenue and expenditure separately, standardized operation," the master plan,. Working with the actual facility ,to explore "separating" the new system, separate the functions, separate management, separate assets, separate payments, separate staff . Make the reformatory facility, the business enterprise. By separating the facility is, in essence, working for many years to resolve the dual goals of contradictions . One is the rehabilitation of social and the other is economic efficiency of enterprises. This will help reinforce the facility functions, and comprehensively improve the quality of re-education reform, promote the building of a modern civilized facility, and facility enterprises out of difficulty and constantly enhance their market competitiveness .Detention production operation must first meet the political nature of the inmates, Development inmates production goal is not to maximize profits; its development can not rely on the market mechanism, through the state's coercive power to solve; Detention realize the value of the product, through specific exchange. Then find a compatible competition is not only compatible with the third path. This road is the product of inmates into production among government procurement. Both from the government procurement market economy mechanism of competition, inherited the planned economy under the conditions of the scheme means, compatible. This essay proposes the establishment of the government procurement of production mode of operation, detailed analysis of the re-education model production operations had taken government procurement patterns of inevitability: that is, the government procurement model reflects the social, economic and solve contradictions and production discipline, meet the WTO requirements, conducive to the integrity of the building. Analysis of the government procurement model the feasibility of the mode of government procurement channels.Guangdong developed processing industry, which is emerging from the developed regions to the economically underdeveloped regions, from urban to rural areas. And the facility's main labor Order—inmates, as low quality, a more appropriate production of such low-level products, whether sales of such products, just off, two outside, low cost, low-risk development potential. This paper presents the current situation, according to the Guangdong regional economic characteristics and industrial reality, Guangdong inmates production should vigorously develop handicraft production.Guangzhou variability facility by building new large-scale, high starting point, according to the ministerial level is a modern civilized facility construction standards. After the operation by the second half, the Guangdong inmates will add new development of the cause of the bright spots. In this paper, the Guangzhou Municipal variability new facility by the production work of countermeasures. Papers can be combined actual work, in-depth analysis of proposed measures for practical work have great reference value.
Keywords/Search Tags:Detention production, Reform, Model Innovation
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