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A Study On Civil Servant's Engaged System

Posted on:2008-11-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D J GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360212493527Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Such words as "engagement", "employment" and "contract" are not strange to people nowadays. In the personnel management in China, staff contractual appointment has been implemented in enterprises, and now the public institutions are implementing it in their reforms, however, this form of engagement is still a newborn item in the field of civil servant in China currently.In the foreign countries, especially from 1980s, driven by the concept of new public management, western countries carried out a large-scale administrative reform movement, even in the formation of a global wave, and this huge wave also promoted the reform of the civil servant system. As we all know, at the beginning of the establishment of western civil servant system, the "permanent job" is one of the important principles, but with the development of economy and society, the drawbacks of this principle became apparent gradually; At the same time, in the practice of employment, such forms as "the contract employment", "temporary engagement" and other forms of employment appeared in some public departments and government organizations. This introduction of market competition mechanism of short-term contracts demonstrates a flexible employment advantages, it also reduces administrative costs and improves work efficiency to some extent. So, the job permanent system, permanent civil servant system, security of tenure and so on are impacted fiercely by the reform, and the engagement system has increasingly become a trend in the civil servants system in west countries.People have different perspectives regarding whether the engagement system would be a sort of personnel management system in the civil servant system in the government organizations of our country. There are suspicion and also affirmation. After repeated debate and modification, a final agreement was made to start the engagement system on partial civil servant position in the "People's Republic of China Law on Civil Servants" promulgated on 27th of April in 2005, in which the 16th chapter of the Law made specific design of the engagement system. This paper tries to do some primarily exploration on the engagement system—a new form of the public servant system and expects to do some efforts on carrying through "Law on Civil Servants" and perfecting the system.Firstly, this paper summarizes various ways of selecting civil servants, from the general explore of the appointment ways gradually to the special type of engagement. The paper pointes out that in foreign countries there are generally four ways in the civil service appointment, and they are electoral system and the appointment system, the test system and the engagement system. In the recent years in China, besides the appointment types of civil servants learned from foreign countries, we also conducted some new explorations, and the open selection and competition for posts are the outcome of this exploration. This part analyses and evaluates the meaning of various types of appointment, the generation, the historical development and its advantages and limitations. Through the general introduction of the ways of public servant appointment, it lays foundation for the research of engagement in the following parts of the paper.Secondly, the paper discussed the reform of the ways of civil servant selecting in western countries. In recent years, the western countries reform the ways of civil servants selecting in different degrees, especially in he introduction of the agility in employing person for jobs. The reform of the ways of civil servants selecting in western countries accompanies the administrative reforms, so, the paper also analyzes the background of administrative reform in western countries briefly. During the wave of administrative reform, the civil servant system also experiences self-reform and improvement, especially in the study of the contract management and engagement system. The article analyses the reform of the ways of civil servants selecting of USA, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and South Korea etc in details. Through the analysis of the reform of the ways of civil servants selecting in foreign countries, we can see that the engagement system has become the trend of civil servant employment in foreign countries which is a sign from obturation towards opening in the world. Through the analysis of the reform of the ways of civil servants selecting in foreign countries, we can sum up some western civil servant system experiences as a reference and direct us to improve and perfect the practice of the civil servant system in our country.Finally, the paper analyzes the background and significance of the engagement system from the system design of engagement based on the "Law on Civil Servants". In this section it expounded the primary content and implementation questions of engagement system and pointed out that engagement system in China is still in the initial period and needs continuous exploration and improvement, and we also hope it will bring new challenge and energy to the civil servant system of our country.In conclusion, the engagement system is not only the tendency of the reform of the civil servant system in west countries, it also a fresh system design in our country. We should analyze it from the aspect of system innovation and hopefully it can inspire us and helps the improvement of civil servant system of our country.
Keywords/Search Tags:civil servant, engagement system, system of life long tenure, study
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