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On Carrying Out And Cultivating The National Spirits

Posted on:2008-03-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q J LvFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360212493270Subject:Marxist theory and ideological and political education
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National spirits are the most fundamental regulation that makes a nation be itself that led to by the tension among the cultural tradition ,Zeitgeist and the outside spirits , which is refined, coagulated ,accumulated in the endless society history practice , and is accepted and encouraged commonly by the national members , and choose to is character of person , value driving, thought and ideal belief which is beneficial to the social development and is the national culture core part and cream part and is the most high-level in the national realizes. The Chinese national spirits are the sum of the Chinese national character, the value thoughts, the code of ethics and the mode of thinking which is specially owned by Chinese people, which embodies in the Chinese national members' words and actions and is the most basic and the most collective sign of the Chinese nation. The Chinese national spirits are accumulated during more than five thousand years of the Chinese culture, whose connotation is rich, extensive and profound. As for the Chinese national spirits ,some scholars extracted and induced its connotation from traditional culture and classics , but great majority scholars thought that the connotation of the Chinese nation are the same as the nation , which has it's own past, presence and future, during different historical periods it's connotation is also able to have some differences , so it's connotation may be divided into the traditional spirits of history , revolutionary traditional spirits and the spirits of the new period. They all have their rationalities and advantage, however their contents appear multifarious and disorderly. The 16th National Congress of the CPC moves downwards in the direction of the important thought of "three represents", The national spirits are refined and summarized, which are made clear that, the Chinese nation has formed great national spirits centering on patriotism which are unity and solidarity, peace -loving, industry and courage and ceaseless self-improvement in the development of more than five thousand years. "National spirits are a nation's patron God, the Chinese national spirits are the intellectual impetus that can encourage Chinese people to live uninterruptedly and grow stronger and stronger for 5000 years. In order to strengthen the comprehensive national strength and lift international competitiveness , to answer globalization challenge and safeguard the national security, to develop socialist market economy , to realize the great cause of the peaceful reunification , to defend the position as the ruling party and improve the Party's governing capacity and so on, we must energetically develop and cultivate national spirits. In short, if we want to build an overall well-to-do society and realize great national rejuvenation, we must energetically develop and cultivate national spirits.Any nation who wants to be more powerful and richer, it should have advanced national spirits. Since carrying forward and cultivating the national spirits has extremely important significance, but how to develop and cultivate to be able to get ideal effect? We ought to do mainly as the following: we need to develop socialist market economy energetically ,so that it can provide a material base for carrying forward and cultivating the national spirits; we need to develop socialist political civilization energetically, so that it can provide politics guiding and system guarantee for carrying forward and cultivating the national spirits; we need to take Marxism as guidance, inheriting and developing the excellent achievement of our country's traditional culture, absorbing and using excellent achievements of abroad culture for reference combining with times culture ,so as to keep a foothold in developing the advanced culture; we need to carry forward and cultivate the national spirits through the entire proceeding of the national education , so as to make the national spirits melt to enter the blood vessel of teen-agers; we need to reinforce humanity social sciences to research the national spirits ; we need to attach importance to improve citizen quality, being so as to provide the objective guarantee for developing and cultivating the national spirits and so on. During carrying out and cultivating the national spirits on the citizens, developing and cultivating are all indispensable and important means and approach, they are interdependent and complement each other.
Keywords/Search Tags:national spirits, the Chinese national spirits, carrying out and cultivating
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