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Deng Xiaoping's Concept Of Just Rules

Posted on:2007-09-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B F LiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360212458051Subject:Marxist theory and ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Justification is the primary and basic value orientation of modem society, and the basic concept of perpetual value in human society. Its realization should be supported by an intact rule system including the rule of pledge of social member' bottom survival line, the rule of equal opportunity, the rule of distribution according to contribution, and the rule of social adjustment, etc. Justification is the soul, the value goal of the rule, and should be embodied in the rule. Therefore, there is a close relationship between justification and the rule, in which the former is the ground of the design and arrangement of the latter, while the latter is the basis of the realization of the former.Justification is an ideal state human society pursues. Different countries and classes give various comprehension of and are in different pursuit of justification. Justification reflects the beneficial relations between humans, which also infiltrate into social economy, politics and cultural life. To realize justification is very important to the stability and the economic development of a country. As the chief architect of socialism with Chinese characteristics, Deng Xiaoping probes into how to promote social development and how to realize modernization with the persistent guidance of social principles of justification, that is to say, his concept of social justification is of realistic instructive significance to rebuilding the social justification theory during Chinese transforming period and to solving some unfair problems at present The essay mainly elaborates the content of Deng Xiaoping's concept of justification, the content of just rule concept, the features of rule concept, and the realistic instructive significance, etc. Section 1,sets forth the main content of Deng Xianping's concept of Justification.1, "Three beneficial to" is a standard by which Deng Xianping judges the social justification.2, Common prosperity is the core of Deng's concept of justification.3, "Inter-generation" is the important content of Deng's concept of social justification.4, The equality is the premise of Deng's concept of justification.Section 2,sets forth the main content of Deng Xingping's concept of just rules. 1, Equality of basic rights (pledge rule) 2, Equality of opportunity (beforehand rule) 3, Distribution according to work (afterward rule) 4, Social security (adjustment rule)...
Keywords/Search Tags:Deng Xingping, Justification Idea, Rule, Content, Character
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