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Injury Determination In Anti-dumping Law

Posted on:2007-03-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R R LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Injury and dumping are the collateral concept which is the most basic and the most important in anti-dumping law. Whether the anti-dumping measure is legitimate or not depends on the method and result of injury determination. Many important problems involving determination of injury have not prescribed definitely in anti-dumping law, because the concept of injury is questionable. This thesis is put forward under this background.The thesis is divided in the five parts.In the first section, owing to relation between international anti-dumping law and domestic law(domestic anti-dumping law is enacted following international anti-dumping law), summarized the history development of WTO anti-dumping law and introduced present situation of legislation at the first. The next, introduced constitutive requirements of injury determination in WTO and anti-dumping law of any other countries in order to pave the way for the latter study. Then introduced the concept and steps of determination of injury, and summarized the significance of injury determination in anti-dumping.The second part, discussed like products by comparing legislation and practice of EU and USA from the scope of determination of injury area. After finding out dumping products and domestic products are like products, analyzed the definition of domestic industry combining with practices of EU and USA.The third part, discussed the criteria of different type of injury determination by...
Keywords/Search Tags:anti-dumping law, injury, determination
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