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Study On American Protection Institutions Of Faculty Privacy

Posted on:2007-01-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z D LiuFull Text:PDF
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As the old Chinese saying goes: "People become conscious of etiquettes and proprieties if owning big fortune, and become aware of injury and honour with rich treasure". With the rapid development of social economy, people want to seize more power to protect their necessary rights. Globalization changes traditional concepts on Rights and stereotyped definition of rights gradually diversified itself into several concrete sectors. It is considered as indication of civilized monocracy as well as economic growth. Meanwhile it counteracts on economical side as we all concern. Faculty's privacy right is one of the above mentioned diversified rights.Teachers' privacy right has its vivid characteristic which was jointed determined by professional particularity and privacy requirement. In the first place, it is defined as RIGHT TO PRIVACY, and followed up with privacy right belonging to the special professional career, and finally focused on its specialties of privacy of those facultyman who are described as the "public modal", although individual faculty is not regarded as public character, but only catches widespread social attention which makes this career owning the analogous power with public modals. Compared with privacy rights of public characters, people protest to decrease faculty's counterpart, which opinion elicits the research discussion topic of this paper, that is, to protect Faculty's privacy rights. Among different legislations in the world, U.S. has typical and one-up institutions on protection of faculty's privacy rights, which makes it as the research background of this paper, with my hope to introduce American institution into Chinese legislation system, to make up possible resources as references.This paper is divided into six sectors, involved introduction and conclusion parts. The structural arrangement is based on essential factors of American Faculty's institutions on privacy protection. In the first part, the question of privacy protection was elicited by the famous case study of "professor and prostitution", central topic is put forward and research background and objective are expatiated in this part. The first part is followed up with three dividend parts explaining and analyzing from aspects of principle, concepts and rules respectively, aimed to explore theoretical foundations for privacy protection from jurisprudence side and to set up main principles of privacy protection. In this part, writer also focuses on related resources of American legislated institutions, to determine domains in the research of privacy protection through...
Keywords/Search Tags:Right to Privacy, Faculty's Privacy Rights, American Protection Institutions on Faculty Privacy
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