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The Development And Influence Of The Society In China

Posted on:2007-02-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S E C AFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360185469970Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Because of the relative—malfunction of government and the relative—malfunction of market economy, the western world sprang up good governance. In1980's, the civil society was properly the foundation of good governance and was also the total of all the folk organizations and relationship except our government and market. In this essay, I will look back to the evolution of the concept"civil society". It will be explaned keyining with the traditional conception and includes the theoretical foundation of civil society by Aristotle, the clear traditionally conception of civil society by Cicero, the reformation of the conception by so much attention to the civil sicoety paid by the ideologists, and the improvement of civil society theory. And also, the essay which will clarify the development of civil society contains different idea form different persons, such as Hegel, Marx, etc. According to these, I will introduce the restriction, defense and supplementary between the civil society and the country and emphasize their relationship of supporting each other; I will look back to the development of civil society at home and abroad and search for the features and contribution to the country in the different periods, that is, nascent period, growing period, and the quick expansion period; I will summarize the beginning of civil society in china, inserted with the influence form the western commonweal organizations, describle the reflection of the situation, generalize the distinction in china and clarify the function. Besides I will refer to the correct direction to develop in civil society in china, explore in the by building the sciertific system in the government mannying the civil society, streng then the support from the government, enlarge its influence, amplifying the law, and improving the self-governing ability, etc, to try our best to carry our some methods to solve the problems...
Keywords/Search Tags:Civil society, Development, Influence
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