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The Japanese ODA Policies Towards China And Sino-Japan Relationship

Posted on:2007-09-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360185457817Subject:International politics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In 1972 , with the improvement of the Sino - American relationship, relations between Japan and China also gradually became normal, and they built up the diplomatic relationship very quickly .Because of the diplomatic relationship , the Chinese government gave up the war indemnification of the Japanese government, so the Japanese government's ODA(Official Development Assistance) to China did not start with the indemnity .Through a series of diplomatic service ,in 1979, the Japanese prime minister put forward that in support of China's economic reform and opening policy, Japan would like to provide funds and show the intention to provide 300billion Jp .yen during the next 5 years since 1979 to China. The ODA plan entered China through three departments of China's government with three kinds of outlets . First, the technique aid carried out through the science and technology of Chinese cultural section. Second, the gratis funds worked out through China Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation. Last but not least, it carried out through a Chinese Ministry of Finance department which was in essence to borrow yen funds. Because the main means for Japan to aid China was to lend longtime and large amount funds which contributed to the main part of ODA, they adopted a type of 5 years he yen funds since 1979.In August 2003, the meetings of the Cabinet passed 《 Official Development Assistance Charter 》 ( namely ? ODA Charter ? ).This outline based on the modification of the 1992 《 ODA Charter》 .The publicity of the 2003 《 ODA Charter ?originally on the adjustment of the90's old version .This adjustment reflected Japan's strategic adjustment and the diplomatic direction to a large extent. Along with the adjustment of ODA,...
Keywords/Search Tags:Relationship
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