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On Some Legal Issues Of Crew Management Company

Posted on:2006-08-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360155464779Subject:International Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In our country, Several greater shipping companies have been adopting the triune mode of management, i.e. commercial fleets, crew and manage, which have ever worked to a certainty under the circumstance of planned economy. However there are many kinds of disadvantages in recruiting, preparing, paying, training, managing, etc. crew Management Company is the product of reformation of crew management system of shipping companies. At present, there are four main modes of crew management, including the semiTindependent crew management company attached to shipping company, independent crew Management Company. Many aspects such as qualification, legal status and the liability, of different crew Management Company are discrepant.Moreover, under our country law, the laws concerning the crew management company are yet not regular. Many aspects such as qualification, legal status and the liability, of different crew Management Company are discrepant. Moreover, under our country law, are yet not regular. Studying on the above problems is in favor of making clear of the laws concerning the crew management company especially help to protect crew's vital interests, and undoubtedly have very important meaning to the legislation of this field of our country. The author describe the legal question of crew' s management company from the organizational form of crew's management company mainly such several respects as market access , legal status , legal liability etc. It is analyzed that several kinds of crew manage the pros and cons of the organizational form. Set up the standard and procedure of crew' s management company, and have probed into the legal liability in different while managing crew's course cases of crew's management company . Finally the author draws a conclusion on the basis of describing above-mentioned several questions in detail and puts forward oneself the managing direction of the legislation about the crew of our country.
Keywords/Search Tags:crew management company, legal Issues
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