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Flexible Instill Ideological And Political Education On The Internet

Posted on:2012-05-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166330338992610Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Marxist Theory is an important part of Marxism, ideological and political education is an important theoretical foundation and basic principles. Indoctrination as a theory, it should be a principle of education, including the subject, object, content, method, carrier, environment and objectives of the entire process, not a specific method of education. Educate both the carrier and request the appropriate environment, play a leading body, the actual thinking of the selected object consistent with the content of education, using scientific methods to achieve their educational goals. Also requires the object to take the initiative to form a certain moral and ethical pursuit of knowledge, so as to moral practice and lay the foundation for self-education. Internet development in China has entered a new stage of communication of personality on people's production and life, learning styles, communication methods and ways of thinking and so have a huge impact in the network of ideological and political education as a discipline has been rapidly developed. Ideological and political education indoctrination has expanded the position to expand the platform to enrich the content, change the method. After several years of practice, It has made a lot of results. Major educational issues arising from the information content over a single site and the old, not user-friendly interface, most of the lack of appropriate management of the site, users of the lack of self-selective. From the academic theory and instilling the concept of indoctrination starting the debate, in affirming the important role played by indoctrination, based on the problems for network indoctrination, ideological and political education made flexible indoctrination. Details are as follows:First, the introduction describes the background and significance of this study, combing the network of ideological and political education in the case of indoctrination, indoctrination clear meaning, a brief analysis of the indoctrination of the "useless", "outdated" and "mandatory" and other viewpoints, so as to ideological and political education of the theoretical basis of flexible indoctrination. Finally, this study put forward ideas and the main method.The first chapter, ideological and political education as defined in the content taught and flexible analysis of its characteristics, and ideological and political education were elaborated indoctrination methods of flexible elements, vector elements and environmental factors and other basic elements, and then analyze the characteristics of the elements. Finally, summarize the characteristics of flexible instill: interactivity, scalable and hierarchical.The second chapter, focusing on the ideological and political education inculcate the implementation of the flexible way. Mainly from the mainstream of public opinion to seize the network, and tap the information resources and interactive tools to enhance emotional communication to illustrate how the three angles in the flexible instill ideological and political education to improve network effectiveness.The third chapter briefly describes the ideological and political education inculcate the development of flexible, proposed to strengthen the indoctrination of the main quality, strengthen the network ethics education, instilling flexible way to improve, while focusing on instilling the network of flexible and practical combination of indoctrination.Finally, the conclusion, there are many theories of flexible instill a need to explore and look forward to generating new and better academic results.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ideological and Political Education, Political Education on the Internet, Network instill the basic elements of flexible, Features, Approaches
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