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On The Legal Regulation Of Administrative Planning

Posted on:2011-11-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y XiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166330338978327Subject:Constitution and Administrative Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chief executive planning as an important means of modern one, it helps to reduce the blindness of the market mechanism, to prevent "market failure" has an important role. At the same time, we must also recognize its limitations. Chief planning as one of the exercise of executive power means that if this abuse of power, will inevitably undermine the interests of the administrative counterpart, it is also a potential threat to the administrative counterpart. In addition, not when the use of administrative planning of such administrative means, is bound to have enormous waste of social resources. Also, the current theory for the basic areas of administrative planning is still a lot of controversy and even a blank, such as the definition of administrative planning, nature, process, effectiveness, relief. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the theoretical issues related to administrative planning, to run track in the rule of law, to better serve the rule of law and building a harmonious society Based on the administrative status of planning introduces the basic theory and its analysis of existing problems, based on planning law, administrative regulations were discussed.This article is divided into three parts. The first part of the administrative planning on the basic theoretical issues. First, by analyzing the domestic and foreign scholars on the description of administrative planning, proposed the concept of administrative planning to explore the characteristics of administrative planning, types, and on this basis, the analysis of its role. The second part discusses the status of administrative planning and the need for legal regulation. This part of the first legislation of administrative planning, carding status, and then the analysis of the problems of administrative planning, the final set of legal regulation of administrative planning and basic principles of necessity. The third part is the administrative planning of legal regulation. This section is the end of the article is also key. This section mainly from the sound discretion of the Chief Planning and strengthen the right to request administrative protection of the rights plan, establish and improve mechanisms for the administrative planning of relief depth analysis of three aspects.
Keywords/Search Tags:Administrative planning, Legal regulation, Basic principles
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