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Research On The Taking The Blame And Resigning System Of Political Official In America

Posted on:2012-03-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H G LuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166330338954079Subject:Foreign political system
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The system of taking the blame and Resigning is an important part in the modern political system. The resignation system of America political official is an important part of accountability system. The political official is the senior officials that take the task of policy formulation and monitoring of policy implementation. The resignation system of administration of the political official is a kind of system that they resign for the reason of making a serious mistake and lead to serious consequence. The system of taking the blame and Resigning is a kind of performance for government responsibility. It is the institutional provisions and political conventions that formulates in the political practices.This system of taking the blame and Resigning is developed since the time of U.S founding. It promoted by both the government and the society. Firstly, U.S. Constitution and the spirit of the Constitution gives the basic idea of the resignation of the system, public responsibility is formed by the spirit of rural autonomy; Then, "Pendleton Act" promotes the development of it, the emergence of interest groups increased pressure on the resignation of government officials; Thirdly, Merit system reform ensures the continued development of resignation, progressive Movement consolidate the social basis of the resignation system; "Government Ethics Law " and the reform of the resignation make the moral accountability system more perfect, the appearance of Non-governmental monitoring organizations Improved the external environment; Lastly, "Government Management Reform" campaign to the resignation promotes the system to mature.The current resignation system of America public service contained so many modern political value. Such as the principle of popular sovereignty, the responsibility principle, the principle of information disclosure, in response to principle. This system accounts the leader's responsibility including moral responsibility and political responsibility.Moral responsibility, including responsibility for integrity, style of life responsibilities , fiduciary duties. Political responsibility refers to the political attitude and political performance. The participants including government agencies, social organizations, the general public. The role of the system is to balance the three powers of the states and maintain the stability of society.There are two characteristics of this kind resignation system. The first feature is its unique internal design. The second feature is it's unique external environment. First, it is the will and interests of the people as the basic point, and secondly, public opinion, in which the media played an important role, and finally, more rational political participation of citizens. We should pay attention to the specificity of American's resignation system and we have to absorb its useful components. For example, clear the responsibility of leadership, strengthening the parliamentary oversight function, standard procedure, adhere to the principles of information disclosure, expand the transparency of the system, play the role of the media, etc.
Keywords/Search Tags:America, Political Official, Taking the Blame and Resigning System, Taking the Blame and Resigning, Responsibility
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