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Shopping By Huang Peace Reflections On A Case Space Right

Posted on:2012-11-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M CuiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166330338495632Subject:Civil and Commercial Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the accelerated process of urbanization, land resources are relatively scarce, people have the right to the ground and underground space development and utilization of three-dimensional inevitable choice. Use of diversity is the land below the building roof space has a very high commercial value, it will inevitably have the right to dispute. Spatial location of the roof and underground subtle distinction between ownership of the building is located outside the outer edge, so their use involves the development of underground space on the ground and the right to two systems. The two systems in our country there are provisions in legislation, but the reality of operational rules for handling disputes are to be standardized.This article attempts to practice, starting from the case, through the analysis of real practice, on the floor, the right to explore underground space. Besides the introduction and conclusion, the paper is divided into three chapters:Chapter I: yellow Detailed peaceful property disputes. By reference in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, a real case involving the right space, the space between the right and the principal involved in the legal protection of the interests of all parties in-depth reflection, analysis.The second chapter, the concept of space power. The case focused on the real estate above the roof and floor space below ground level plaza and the issue of ownership rights. The chapter analyzes the specific content of the rights, status and development trends.Chapter III, space utilization and eliminate the right of access, the space of right to specific issues such as China.Looking at the right of the space system in the world, comparative reference common law and civil law legislation of different countries, trying to explore ways to explore the diversification of the right to use the space, while the exercise of rights to be necessary restrictions.
Keywords/Search Tags:space, space right, right to the land use, rights by the Legislative Status, System Improvement
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