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On Rationality, Freedom And Development In Amartya Sen's Humanistic Perspective

Posted on:2012-05-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X JiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166330338494980Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since 1776, the year when An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations which written by Adam Smith published, western economics and ethics have danced a dance of the Hegel in the hundred years of history. The dance of the negation of the negation hasn't been finished. It started with the classical economics that combined with ethical analysis. Then the modern economics moved away from the ethics until abandonment. But in 1980s, economics and ethics became attract each other. The work of reconstruction economics on ethics dimension has reached a climax.Amartya Sen tease out a clue of economics humanism return. This clue based on the humanistic perspective and a series of assumptions which economics inevitable but they can not solve, and started with basic concepts of economics as reason, freedom and development.The learning experience, life experience and thought origins of Sen led him became "economic conscience ". These experience also affected Sen's research methods which evidence also regulates, economic thought and human thought combined and methods of ethics and engineering approach combined. Sen establish a broad conception of reason which based on criticize the internally consistent conception of reason and self-serving conception of reason by a broder information, snatch the rational from the economic man, then give back to the real man. Sen treated freedom as the ability to live that people have reason to value. He considered freedom have constructive role and instrumental role to people. He constructed the method of capabilities which based on the criticism of Rawls'priority right to freedom and Nozick's libertarianisms. Sen established the development of people-oritnted based on the criticism of digital development. He took the market mechanism, the democratic system and the social security system for example, discuss the effect of the policy action on human.Amartya Sen's blueprints of theoretical demonstrate a strong humanistic feeling, and his theory combines the theoretical framework, policy at the operational level and objective experience. His theory shows strong practical significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Humanism, Rationality, Freedom, Development
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