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Research Of Public Crisis Management System

Posted on:2012-05-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T B CaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166330335992832Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
It is a frequency of crisis in this current world. From the "9·11" incident in the United States to the earthquake and the nuclear crisis in Japan, from the SARS in 2003 to the Avian Influenza, the series of crises shows that now the society becomes more developed, but it is very fragile, and it will occurred variety of public crisis. As a developing country, how to deal with public crisis not only concerns about the government image directly but also the stability and development of nation's politic and economy, and then the stability of the regime. At present, China has gradually formed a unified leadership of the government, but the current crisis management system, there are still many deficiencies. China's current crisis management system have a biggest shortcoming is that the crisis management is not as an important part at all levels of government functions, but as the work of a campaign. Therefore, institutional settings, investment funds, and other aspects of the legal system with "Emergency" feature, in case of major crisis events, often set up by government leaders in charge of any commander in chief of the temporary emergency response agencies, responsible for leading the emergency response work. The handling of the crisis is the major energy and financial resources used for the subsequent treatment, and did not focus on prevention and effective control in advance. This management is often put us in a passive state of emergency. change and improve our public crisis management system has become the top priority of the current government.In this paper the author stated some related conceptions of public crisis management system, character of public crisis management and content of establish the system. Then based on the overview of public crisis management research, the author analyzed the shortage of public crisis management system in our country and advanced the research content and idea. At last, combining the analytic result to the theory and the practice and using the developed countries', U.S.A and UK's experience for reference, the author gave the suggestions and countermeasures for optimizing the public crisis management system of our county.
Keywords/Search Tags:public crisis, public crisis management, public crisis management system, government
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