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A Case Study Of Internet Relay Chat Without Clothing

Posted on:2012-10-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M F SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166330335969846Subject:Criminal Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of modern means of communications, internet has played a more and more important role in society. While taking convenient and shortcut to people, the internet has also brought many problems. In my opinion, according to the principle of crime and penalty decided by law, we should not take the internet relay chat to the area of crime without law. The society ruled by law will be trampled and destroyed if we take the deed to crime just for the reason of breaking the society's morality and current custom.I divide my paper to three parts, while the first one is the brief introduction of the case, summarizing the disputed problems. Internet relay chat is one of those catching most people's eyes. There are three patterns about internet relay chat, the point-point, point-plane and plane-plane. A big controversy has existed for a long time in the area of theory and practice about the problem of law characteristic of internet relay chat, especially weather should it be put to the domain of crime. Some think that the point-plane internet relay chat should be the crime of disseminating coarse product, while others advocate the point of taking plane-plane to the crime of gathering a crowd immodesty. The second part is the law analysis about the disputed problems, covering there points. The last one is the resolve of problem.
Keywords/Search Tags:coarse, disseminate product, rule by law
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