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On The Legal Risks And Prevention Of Purchasers Of Commodity House

Posted on:2012-09-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In practice, the legal risks for the sale of commodity house are increasingly prominent, the disputes between purchasers and sellers are increasing. Because the purchasers are in weak position in legal relationship, they normally suffer more legal risks. The main legal risks in contract of commodity house business are sellers lack of sales permission, false statements, earnest money traps, many sells for one house, format terms, etc; When sellers deliver commodity houses, legal risks purchasers'facing also exist, such as delivery delay, delivery defective, commodity house ownership defective and so on. Investigating its reasons, the own characteristics of the sale of commodity house, the complex legal relationships and transaction are the inner reasons; In addition, sellers violating the honesty and credit principle, purchasers lack of risk awareness and relative knowledge, the imperfect provisions of relevant laws and poor supervision are also reasons. Based on the presentation of legal risks purchasers facing and analysis of reasons, referring to domestic and foreign beneficial regulations, the existing law practice shall be perfect, the house presale fund supervision ought to be strengthened, the real estate market information disclosure system should be set up and the purchasers'risk awareness should be improved.
Keywords/Search Tags:The purchasers of commodity house, Legal risks, Risk prevention
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