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Legal Issues Of Housing Registration Error

Posted on:2012-08-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present, since the lack of registration in terms of the housing laws and regulations,there have been such compensation cases to administrative proceedings, not only increased the party's appeal tiredness, but because the legal and administrative authorities do not regulate such behavior, the victims are under enormous economic loss, in this paper, "Mr. Du v. The city housing security and Housing Authority administrative compensation" is taken as an example which focuses on the controversial case related to the discussion, by analyzing one by one, to provide a reference for the judicial practice.Related concepts in a clear, under the premise of the review forms, Imputation rules and whether the Housing Authority shall be liable is anlaysed, the author believes that "Mr. Du v. The city housing security and Housing Authority administrative compensation" in second instance court's decision is appropriate. In this paper, a review of specific forms of attribution principles, that the court of second instance that " City Housing Authority housing pennits issued for Mr. Li's strict review process dose exist,dosen't work well, but the city Housing Athority's administrative behavior and properties of Mr. Du is no the direct causal relationship between loss of " Dismissed the appellant's appeal is appropriate. Finally, to face the issues of the current registration of housing administration, the authors present the defect as well as some of their ideas...
Keywords/Search Tags:Housing registration error, Executive Compensation, Measures
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