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Towards Power Altar: Research On The Informant Politics In Imperial China

Posted on:2012-12-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L H CaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166330335463116Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Whether in traditional or modern society,power is the area of inevitability in politics,so it is an excellent window to Observe the politics in Competition and conflict around the power. In the process of western history, After a "control state" and "domesticated monarchs" of the constitutional movement. And Monarch (or imperial)was largely in the discipline, and are embedded in the power chain in the state apparatus. In weber's words, that the State has experienced a process of routinization and rationalization. But in imperial china, Although the bureaucratic class display a certain autonomy, overall the empire rendered as Ze-Hua Liu so-called "royal centralism "pattern in institutional arrangements or ideas, In order to make "the empire lasting for long times", the monarch adopt all means to strengthen its rule and expand its power. From this perspective, it can be said that encouraging the informant issue is the subject in authoritarian rule. This paper is researching on the informant politics of the power system in imperial china. We Study the relationship between the informant and the dominant ideology of empire, the operating mechanism of informant politics and the consequences of its enlargement. We think that as a dominant imperial ideology, the informants is not in the defense by Confucianism. However, due to the imperial Confucianism not being in implementation, the informants often ruled by the rulers as trickery and wantonly, Resulting in various wave of informer in dynasties. When To the period of authoritarian rule of the extreme, which in the Ming and Qing era, the informant politics was embedded into the chain of power producing as a rule tool, as an institutionalized power production being encouraged and implemented, that is expressed as a operation. Of informant institutionalized. However, due to a departure from the moral legitimacy of traditional orthodox belief in the Empire, the "whistleblower" can not be moral certainty, So in general, in the dialectical relationship between power producing and legitimacy, when such power production jeopardize the legality of the sovereign self-rule, monarch would reduce the behavior of this rule.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Confucian-Legalism Empire, the informant politics, Power production, Legitimacy
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