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"Subaltern Politics" In Social Transformation

Posted on:2012-03-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z J ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166330335457058Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
When different with western classcical political analysis framework in the context of "the country and society",most of non-western countries do not have full-developed civil society. Therefore they can not go along with the front path of political path to do phenomena analysis. But lackage of theory paradigms do not mean that the actual politics will not run. It is the social research personnels'challenge to describe and explain the political phenomenas in the background of most non-western countries.By learning the results of subaltern school and contacting the reality of China,domestic scholars has made great progress in the subaltern field.However,a lot of these studies were introduced on a single field,lacking of classified research.Therefore,I try to explain this from a macroscopic perspective.The paper was divided into six sections.The first chapter is about introduction;the second chapter is about the reality of subaltern research and revelations to China;the third is about the reasons why "subaltern politics"formed;the fourth is the most important in my paper,it accounts three types of "subaltern politics"including rural peasants'fight,"subaltern politics"in cities and network politics.In different domain,each type has its own characteristics and into the current structure of the society;the fifth suggests various possibilities about governance;the last is summary to the above.In my view,in the background of "social breakdown",subaltern groups made a large amount of non-institutional actions because of being in institutional disadvantaged groups.These actions were directly against the existing social power structure when injustice produced;these actions in existing framework of society basically belong to illegal at least grey areas.This caused constant tension and game between institutional and subaltern words.All above consititute basic features of"subaltern politics"in modern China.In view of this,the picture of governance to the degree will be vague.
Keywords/Search Tags:subaltern politics, social breakdown, country network, network participation, effective governance
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