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Priority System For Domestic Products Of Government Procurement Research

Posted on:2011-03-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J BaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166330332966120Subject:Constitution and Administrative Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Governments to buy the domestic products is the most important function of procurement of public policy objectives, it has been effective countries protect their own industries means and measures. Although WTO demanding the opening of government procurement market, but it is not full liberalization and globalization, governments have retained a number of different degrees of protection of the rights of their domestic economic development, such as some purchases are reserved for domestic enterprises, give priority to a certain spread buying their company's products and so on. In an open competitive market environment, the use of the enormous purchasing power of the government procurement system is particularly important to protect the national economy.In this paper, the domestic products priority system in government procurement as the research object, is divided into three main sections. The first part describes the concept of government procurement. The second part describes the GPA of the major countries (regions) of the domestic products priority system and concrete measures. Through analysis of the third part of the domestic products of government procurement priorities and existing status of the various problems that the implementation of domestic products of the way priority system discussed in our domestic products in government procurement priorities to ensure implementation of the system method. Finally is the conclusion, a brief summary of the basic conclusions.Through research, I believe that in our implementation of domestic products in government procurement priority principle, both the international practice, is determined by China's national conditions. Domestic products for solving the priority principle in the implementation of existing standards domestics, I think we should adopt a comprehensive standard method, works and services for domestic products suppliers should be taken to identify the nationality criteria, standards for goods, domestic products, to the low and high value-added goods detailed division of value-added goods in order to protect national industries. More importantly, we need to establish a unified legal system of government procurement to abandon the practice of government procurement, and even super-GPA treatment of the phenomenon of super-national treatment, domestic products China's government procurement priorities to achieve the normalization.
Keywords/Search Tags:Government Procurement, Priority system for domestic products, Research
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