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Government Credibility And Public Crisis Rvelationship Mvanagement

Posted on:2011-06-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166330332476484Subject:Marxism in China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of society, the country's crisis frequent, severe crisis shocking, therefore, strengthen the government's public crisis management capacity and enhance the government's credibility is an urgent task. From a social perspective occurred in all the crisis can be roughly summarized as the following situations: First, based on the new era of China's frequent natural disasters caused by the crisis. The new natural environment, sometimes it is impossible to resist sudden crisis, the crisis has seriously disrupted the normal life of the people and threatening people's lives and property safety, such as: the appearance of snow, 5.12 Wenchuan earthquake, which due to the natural environment caused by major disasters, destructive strong, the depth of the extent of damage to the people has brought immeasurable loss. Second, the artificial crisis caused by the incident. Such as: global financial crisis, China's coal mine incidents took place, local violence, food security incidents such as milk, are caused by man-made nature of evil; Finally, there is a potential state to state the nature of the political, economic and scientific and technological categories The contest, it may be to create a crisis and confusion causes.This article is from the Government's credibility and public relations crisis management point of view as a starting point for research. With a large number of case studies based on facts, as a comprehensive and in-depth study of combing the interaction between them, while crisis management in the public credibility of the Government to choose the path as the ultimate goal of this study.Full-text by an introduction and three main parts.Introduction section provides a brief explanation of the origins of this research, key concepts and relevant theoretical knowledge, as well as comment on the status of international research, while noting that the contents of this paper and the main research methodologies.This paper first main parts: the Government's credibility with the public analysis of the interaction between crisis management. But the community is mainly from the various crises that occurred, it applied the theory and practical method of combining the inherent relationship between them for analysis: the Government's credibility on the impact of public crisis management and promotion; public crisis management but also to the influence and promote the Government's credibility.The second main part of the text: Public Crisis Management in the Government's credibility dilemma analysis. Using a comparative analysis of the plight of the analysis method, and then combined to give the plight of several key areas: laws and regulations, crisis awareness and enthusiasm for public participation in the degree of crisis managementThe third main part of the paper: This paper studies the meaning. Through the Government's credibility and public relations crisis management studies, reflects the government should improve the public crisis management capabilities and credibility of the Government to establish a new concept of service-oriented government to promote the efficient formation of the government have of guiding significance.The fourth paper, the main components: improving public crisis management in the Government's credibility routing. This section is mainly used systems analysis approach, from two dimensions to carry out the path of choice: from the public point of view to analyze the crisis management; from the perspective of the government to analyze the credibility of the building.
Keywords/Search Tags:government, credibility, public crisis management
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