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On Legal Issues In Non-government Organizations

Posted on:2011-09-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T FengFull Text:PDF
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The rise and development of non-government organizations would be the necessary tendency in the mankind social development. In China, with the deepen reforms of the market economic system; the non-government organizations get the unprecedented space to develop their important factions in the public administration. And more and more mutual communication between the non-governments and the citizens and the legal person or the other organizations, are inferring more and more complex legal issues. So the academia triggers the interest on the legal issues of the non-government organizations including its content, the extension, the characters, the qualities and the functions or influences in order to guide the public to know and understand these units from the theoretical level. However, many legal issues in the non-government organization could hardly be understood y the public and neither handle effectively. Therefore, for the better clear up the new-born thing directly, the author select a non-government organization in a developed area, Ouhai Dist. in Wenzhou, but not actual comes into the view of public, the Aged Association as the studying sample. And the author abstracts it as the non-government organization to the common legal issues and gives the analysis by the investigation of its development and the existing problems. At the same, the author also point out the practical issues from the legal view and the suggestions at last.The crossed subjects and majors'method would be adopted in the introduction of the non-government organizations. The author deeply explores the development of AA by the meetings, the personal interviews, the papers and so on. And as the studies on the legal problems of it, there are some administrative law and the society theories and the author also leans some researches of the public administrative management to analyze the concept, the characters, the working methods and social functions of non-government organization combing the theories of those subjects above.And this paper contains five parts. Part one is the background and meanings of the study including the sample of the AA's existing problems and its essences to elaborate the choices and meanings of the research. Part two is the investigation about the AA to abstract the issues to introduce the major topics in this paper. Part three is the basic legal qualities about the AA as non-government organization form the concept, the functions and the characters to analyze. Part four is the legal issues about the non-government organization combing the AA's investigation results to point out the uncertainty of its legal status, the imperfection of legal regulations and the unhealthy of legal relieves as the three problems. And part five is the relative suggestions.
Keywords/Search Tags:non-government organization, the Aged Association, legal issues
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