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The Research On Optimizing The Long Engine Assembly Line By IE Technology

Posted on:2005-03-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q J GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360152956765Subject:Industrial Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With china's entry into WTO, more and more domestic enterprises areabsorbed in global competition especially automotive companies.According to the statistics, during 2001 to 2003 sales volume of cars inFAW-Volkswagen Automotive Co., Ltd. increased from 0.80 million to 2.20million while the rate of market occupation decreased from 16.4% to 13.5%.At the same time nowadays as science and technology develops rapidly,the market demand is tending to change day after day, technologyimproves very fast and the customer's demand tends to be variable andpersonalized. Under this condition the competition advantages held by thecompanies not only depend on the product quality, price and service aftersales but also rely on whether the company has the ability to research byherself, the ability to produce and run the business, the ability to moveforward, the ability to coordinate comprehensively and the ability torespond to the market rapidly. These all reflect the level of themanagement system in this company. Among them Industrial Engineering(IE) technique is a very useful one in enterprise production managementand optimizing is one important methods of it. As to productive companies the production rate can be used as animportant economic standard to evaluate the company's production andmanagement. Furthermore it also reflects to what extend the IE techniqueis used in that company and directly influence its competitive ability. Reviewing the development history of FAW-Volkswagen, we can seethe outstanding achievements in every aspect. Especially in 2003production volume of cars was 0.302 million, sales volume was 0.298million and profit before tax was 6 billion. Production rate increased from1.2 per person per year in 1991 to 34.2 per person per year on 2003 by20% annually, which made FAW-Volkswagen the champion of GermanyVolkswagen. So that as one important economic standard production rateindeed represents one company's production and management level, thatis less input and more output. It has proved that the one who can find potential in production andimprove the production rate will achieve advantages in market competitionin the near future. In view of the important effect of improvement on production andmanagement, this paper introduced the meaning, components and basictheory of operational improvement as well as expounded the status quo ofthe assembly line. And then the author analyzed particularly focusing onthe specific problem, put forward several improving methods and evaluatedachievements of the improvement. iv吉林大学硕士学位论文 Firstly the essay began with the concept of IE that is 'a subject usingvariable science, technique and management knowledge to design,optimize and organize it in order to make the key elements such aspersonnel, materials and facilities to form a system full of productivity.Through continually optimizing the components, movement andmanagement methods of the system, a company can improve the totalbenefit and efficiency.' Thus the theory of operational improvement wasgiven and must go on according the following steps: 1.Finding the point which must be improved, that is to say, one mustrealize the main problems in the workshop he takes charge of. 2.Analyzing the current methods. We must base them on the facts andrealities. 3.Getting the frame. After making the improvement target and theproblem clear, one should arrange them out. 4. Making improvement plan. For the points which have been the targetof improvement, we can make improvement plan according to them. 5. Putting the plan into effect and confirming it. The designing planmust be put into effect at once and the improvement achievements shouldbe guaranteed to be maintainable. After that this paper introduced the application of IE aboard,emphasized the differences with that domestically and analyzed them. Theauthor thought only in this...
Keywords/Search Tags:Industrial Engineering Technology, Assembly Line, Operation Improvement, Standardized Operation, Management System ability
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