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Operational Mechanism, Conditions And Mode Of MBS

Posted on:2005-09-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360152470764Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Estate industry is important to accelerate the healthy development of national economical and improve people' s living standard. Estate industry finance is the catalyzer to the development of estate industry. In recent years, the rapid increasing of Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS) has effected lively to expand domestic demand and accelerate estate industry positive circulate. But the contradiction of MBS between short-term treasury and long-term utilization maybe bring some potential risk to commercial bank. There is a very big potential market of housing loans in our country, perhaps existing in lack of the fund. It is the method to figure out these contradictions that implementing MBS. In the course of establishing money market system that adapt to socialistic market economy system, MBS must be a aspect deepening finance and MBS is necessary choose that consummate finance system.This article studies operational mechanism of MBS. Though discussing and arguing about development skeleton of MBS, conclude use of reference and inspiration to us with MBS in other countries. Aiming at mostly obstacle and risk of implement MBS, put forward think, approach and process along with correlative suggestion that implementing MBS in our country.This article has 4 chapters. Chapter I summarize MBS and briefly analyze the concept, purpose and characters; summarize the origin and the development course of MBS; on the base of analyzing the risk of loan in the commercial bank, discuss the reason of MBS from the point of view that charter member, investor and intermediary organs. Thereby concludemeaning of implement MBS.Chapter II and chapter III expound the base operate process of mortgage, nucleus of principle; analyzes the major disadvantages and risk to implement MBS in China and briefly summarize the theory and present conditions of MBS in China; chiefly argue the main obstacle in MBS through the aspect in system and circumstances of market; analyze the risk in credit, market and management with the conditions of implement MBS here and now. argues the main work of MBS nowadays. First as soon as possibly modify, replenish and perfect the existing system and rapidly construct the style of being related to MBS; Second rapidly construct circumstances in market and operation of MBS; Third prepare in advance for the risk of confronting with MBS, Special the risk of breaking contract.Chapter IV put forward the concrete assume about carrying out MBS in China, prepare to divide into two separate parts (initial stage and standard stage), and bases of my hands-on background, design material MBS mode.With regard to MBS, we have studied for a long time, but for many reasons, not yet implement. Although the article does not discuss the price of MBS deeply, it argues many of questions about MBS further, attempt to contribute to promoting development of MBS in China.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mortgage-Backed, Securities, (MBS) study
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