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The Analysis On U.S. Security Policy Toward The Korean Peninsula In Post-Cold War

Posted on:2005-11-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Y LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360125956104Subject:International relations
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The core target of the United States global strategy after the cold war expresses two levels in actuality: The first level aims at the outstanding and big countries, such as China and Russia, the purpose is to prevent these latent rivals to challenge the hegemonic status of the United States ; The second level aims at the so-called " rogue states", such as DPRK, Iran, Iraq and etc., the purpose is to dissolves the "unsyrnmetrical menace" to promote the United States' hegemonic interests to the largest extent.Accompany with the political and economical position of the Asia- Pacific area rising completely after the cold war, the Asia-Pacific security strategy has become the forest constituting the part of the U.S. global strategy, and in totally service in the global strategy of the U.S. The Korean peninsular, according to its outstanding strategy position and special geographical-political environment, became an essential and crucial part in the actualization of the Asia-Pacific security strategy.From suppress the big country angle, the northeast Asia, where the heartland is the Korean peninsular, concentrates all influential big powers in the current Asia-Pacific region , controlling Korean peninsula, the United States will acquire the beneficial weapon which can restrict the big powers in the region undoubtedly. From dissolve the " unsymmetry" threatens angle, the initial target of the U.S. global strategy is to prevent terrorism and large-scale proliferation of weapons of mass destruction(WMD),and the so-called "DPRK menace " make Korean peninsula become the region that must control after "9 ?11". From this meaning, the U.S. can occupy predominant position in the Korean peninsular whether or not will put crucial influence on the Asia-Pacific and global strategy of the U.S. The security policy toward Korean peninsula of the U.S. not only is the key of its Asia-Pacific strategy, but also an important part of its global strategy.In reality, the security policy toward Korean peninsula of the U.S. has become a system, which in form appears two connected and interacting levels: one is pointed to the DPRK with the purpose of restricting and eliminating "the DPRK's menace", which is the apparent goal of the U.S security policy toward the peninsular; the second is for the surrounding big countries and the purpose is to "regulate" the relevant countries and maintain the U.S. leading status, which is the implied goal of the U.S. policy toward the peninsular. In the operational process, the U.S. policy toward the peninsula after the Cold War experienced an adjustive process, although the concrete characteristics of each period that policy has different, on the whole, the U.S. adopts a tactic combining"containment" and "engagement" toward the DPRK and enhance harmony between the U.S. and South Korean composing the two most basic lines of the U.S. policy toward the peninsular. By the double policy toward the DPRK and the existence of the U.S.-ROK military alliance, the U.S. has gradually become the key factor predominate the peninsula situation after the cold war.From the objective results, the U.S. policy toward the Korean peninsula is successful at promoting its global strategy. On the one hand, the containment on DPRK also regulate the process of rapprochement between the South and the North simultaneously, avoiding the peninsula situation escape from the strategy orbit of the U.S.; On the other hand, the U.S. make full use of big countries' constructive function ,at the same time, also regulate these big powers on the basis of its super and strong strength accompanying with the double tactic, the U.S. has already erected its dominant position in the Korean peninsula and also payed the way for establishing the new order of Northeastern Asia in which the U.S. is the center.What demands pointing out is that, although the U.S. has achieved considerable "advantage" by adopting the security policy in the Korean peninsula, the policy in nature belongs to the "cold war mentality" and in practice is not fit for the rea...
Keywords/Search Tags:post cold war, the United States, the Korean peninsula policy
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